Kristian McCann

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In the left/right brain divide, Kristian falls squarely on the right side. Having an interest in arts, film and writing, Kristian knew from a young age he wanted to be a storyteller, and professionally, that put him on the path to being a journalist.

Having spent his early adult years in the army in Finland, Kristian went on to work at several different publications and news media organisations: in Helsinki, Brussels, and London before finding his place here at Startups Magazine.

Influenced by his time travelling the world, Kristian takes a keen interest in the dynamics of geopolitics, news and how this relates to technology! Whether it is a supply chain shortage affecting semiconductors or how new techniques are being used to reduce AI bias, Kristian wants to hear about it!

Kristian's interest in writing, filmmaking, technology, and wine (hello, events!) positions him perfectly to be a part of Startup Magazine's editorial team and culture.

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