The Startup OLÉ fair's eleventh edition in Salamanca's capital will take place from 8th to 10th October 2024 at the Palacio de Congresos de Salamanca and the Colegio Arzobispo Fonseca. It is supported at the national level by CDTI, ICO AXIS and Enisa, and at the regional level by Ayuntamiento, Diputación, Universidad de Salamanca and Junta de Castilla y León.

This fair is supported by CIBER-SHUBE, a project co-funded by Instituto Nacional de Ciberseguridad (INCIBE), an entity under Ministerio para la Transformación Digital y de la Función Pública, through Secretaría de Estado de Digitalización e Inteligencia Artificial, and Universidad de Salamanca.

The Palacio de Congresos and the Colegio Arzobispo Fonseca will host from 8 to 10 October 2024 the new edition of Startup OLÉ Salamanca ‘24, one of the largest entrepreneurship and technological innovation events in Europe and Latin America. This initiative aims to connect entrepreneurs and startups/scaleups with investors, corporates, public administrations, media and other agents of the international ecosystem, in an environment conducive to doing business and obtaining investment, with the ultimate goal of creating wealth and employment.

Startup OLÉ Salamanca will include forums on investment and corporates, cybersecurity (CIBER-SHUBE), accelerators, public administrations, media, universities, Ibero-America, rural innovation and a hackathon, among others. It will also feature exclusive content with great speakers at around 100 round tables and plenary talks, a startup fair, pitch competition, business rounds and networking activities including cocktails and concerts, making Salamanca the international capital of entrepreneurship and investment during these days. The figures achieved amount to more than 2,200 attendees at the event and more than 600 top speakers. In addition, the four events held this year by Startup OLÉ in Chile, Miami, Marbella and Salamanca have brought together nearly 4,000 attendees, 300 startups and more than 250 investors and corporations, bringing together personalities and entrepreneurs from 60 countries.

The eleventh edition of this fair has the support of corporates, investors and entities such as Iberdrola, Acciona, Cepsa, Fundación Once, Talgo, Enagás Emprende, Caja Rural de Salamanca, SpainCap, RTVE, Renfe, Naturgy, Mondragón, Bolsa (BME), Across Legal, Red Cross, ARMANEXT, Caixabank, ClarkeModet, Letslaw, FUNDECY-PCTEX, Omawa, Inec, Facsa, GSK, Q studio, ETL GLOBAL, Clúster Alimentario de Galicia, AEEN and PETEC. As for public institutions, Startup OLÉ is receiving support from CDTI INNVIERTE, Enisa, ICE-CYL, ICO Axis, INCIBE, E-Residency, Junta de Andalucía, Comunidad de Madrid, Ayuntamiento de Salamanca, Diputación de Salamanca and Universidad de Salamanca.

In addition, there will be the participation of incredible international speakers such as Guillermo Jiménez, CEO of Axis; Jose Moisés Martín, CEO of CDTI; Carlos Blanco, co-founder of Encomenda Smart Capital; José Zudaire, CEO of SpainCap; Jesús González, CEO of BME Growth; Joe Chi, President of the US Latin American Chamber of Commerce (CAMACOL); Pablo Zalba, Head of Regulation and Public Policy at Deloitte; Pilar Carrato, Chief Financial Officer of CDTI; Sara Goldberg, Managing Director of URUCAP; Luis Bermejo, Managing Partner of Alaya Capital; Victoria Akerman, Principal of Newtopia VC; Alejandro Carboni, Partner of Impacta VC; Isaac Gutiérrez, Managing Partner of LAN Accelerator; María Andrea Villanueva, Deputy Director of Colcapital; María José Traconis, Finance Manager of Cometa; Martín Madariaga, Venture Capital Partner of Banco Davivienda; Patricia Saenz, Managing & Founding Partner Seasoned Investor and Builder of EWA Capital; Federico Marque, General Partner of Grid Exponential; Íñigo Alberola, Senior Investment Manager of Kamay Ventures; Javier Rengel, CEO of StarModul; Jorge Martínez Arroyo, Managing Director of COREangels; Vincent Rosso, co-founder of Blablacar and CEO of Consentio; Ajith Abraham, Vice Chancellor of Bennett University; Yohania de Armas, Director General of Conecta Iberoamérica and Carlos Capataz, National Director of Technological Services of the Red Cross. In the institutional section, Carlos García Carbayo, Mayor of Salamanca; Francisco Javier Iglesias, President of Diputación de Salamanca; Carlos Fernández Carriedo, Minister of Economy and Finance of Junta de Castilla y León; Marina Villegas, Director General of Research and Innovation of Comunidad de Madrid; Francisco Javier González, Director General for the Promotion of Entrepreneurship and Continuing Education of Junta de Andalucía or Alejandro Freijo, Director of Economic Development of Ayuntamiento de Marbella will be present. Emilio Corchado, CEO and founder of Startup OLÉ, will host the event.

This event is also part of the Strategic Projects in Spain, within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, with funding from the Next Generation-EU Funds.

Within the framework of Startup OLÉ Salamanca, the CDTI- INNVIERTE IBEROAMÉRICA forum will also be held, which will consist of several activities aimed at presenting the CDTI - INNVIERTE programme, the benefits of being part of it, how to be part of it in the figure of an approved co-investor fund, as well as other topics that generate added value related to the creation of the Ibero-American entrepreneurship and investment ecosystem, such as, for example, investment or co-investment issues, as well as other topics that generate added value related to the Ibero-American entrepreneurship and investment ecosystem, such as, for example, investment or co-investment, all with a focus on aspects of interest to support the creation of a large Ibero-American ecosystem led by Spain to promote investment and co-investment in technology-based and innovative Spanish companies. Another new feature of this edition is that Omawa Huella Ecológica and Oca Global will once again measure the carbon footprint of the event; attendees will be able to contribute to the calculation of their own carbon footprint through a personalized calculator, accessible via a QR code, available during all the days of the event. With this effort, Startup Olé consolidates its position as a benchmark for the organization of events committed to sustainability. In addition, 5 special Startup OLÉ Radio programmes will be broadcast live, in which investment, the role of corporations, sustainability and the Ibero-American space, among others, will be discussed. They can be seen and listened to live on Startup OLÉ's social networks and on Multicanal Radio on a deferred basis. Finally, it is worth mentioning the celebration of a space dedicated to the different European Innovation Valleys.

INCIBE's strategic projects

Instituto Nacional de Ciberseguridad is an entity dependent on Ministerio para la Transformación Digital y de la Función Pública, through Secretaría de Estado de Digitalización e Inteligencia Artificial, consolidated as a reference entity for the development of cybersecurity and digital trust of citizens and companies. It is also a driver of social transformation and an opportunity for innovation, fostering R&D&I and talent.

INCIBE's particular mission is to boost the cybersecurity capabilities of society and the economy in general through a programme that seeks to promote and generate knowledge and its transfer to the productive sector, especially by establishing synergies between the social and economic spheres of cybersecurity. To develop this purpose, the programme of grants for the excellence of advanced research teams in cybersecurity was launched in 2018. In 2022, specifically on 5 December, in order to give continuity to this strategy, the public invitation for collaboration in the promotion of Strategic Cybersecurity Projects in Spain was published.

These initiatives are part of the Global Security Innovation Programme, included in the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (PRTR) through Component 15. Investment 7 Cybersecurity: Strengthening the capacities of citizens, SMEs and professionals and boosting the sector.

Strategic projects are a way of providing concrete solutions to some of the greatest scientific and technological challenges facing our society and economy. They are designed to promote the application of the results of research and innovation, combining new forms of governance and collaboration, as well as involving citizens and the productive and social fabric.