The first edition of the Startup OLÉ fair in the city of Malaga will take place from 26th to 28th June 2024, with the collaboration of the Marbella Town Hall and the Junta de Andalucía, and will be held at the Andalucía Lab facilities.
The CIBER-SHUBE project, implemented under the public invitation for collaboration in the promotion of Strategic Cybersecurity Projects in Spain, is co-funded by INCIBE and the University of Salamanca under the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, financed by the European Union (Next Generation EU).
The Mayoress of Marbella, Ms Ángeles Muñoz; the Director General for the Promotion of Entrepreneurship and Lifelong Learning of the Department of University, Research and Innovation of the Andalusian Regional Government, Mr Javier González Navarro and the CEO and founder of Startup OLÉ, Mr Emilio Corchado, presented today, at the Hospital Real de la Misericordia, the new innovation and technological entrepreneurship fair, Startup OLÉ Marbella, which will be held in this Malaga city from 26th to 28th June 2024 at the Andalucía Lab headquarters.
This initiative aims to connect entrepreneurs and startups with investors, corporates, public administrations, media and other agents of the ecosystem in Marbella, a symbol of the unique environment that is the Costa del Sol, with a climate, culture and quality of life that continues to attract international investors and with great potential for the generation of business opportunities and, consequently, for the creation of wealth and employment.
To this end, Startup OLÉ Marbella will include, among others, an investor and corporate forum, a cybersecurity forum, an accelerator forum, an impact forum and a university forum. It will also feature exclusive content with great speakers at round tables and plenary talks, a startup fair, pitch competition, business rounds and networking activities including cocktail parties, making Startup OLÉ Marbella a great opportunity to generate business and investment at the highest level.
The first edition of this fair has the backing of both the public and private sectors. In the public sector, the Marbella Town Hall, the Andalusian Regional Government, Andalucía Lab, the National Institute of Cybersecurity (INCIBE) and the University of Salamanca. For its part, the strong backing of the private sector is reflected in the support and participation of major investors and corporates, such as the Once Foundation, Talgo, the Stock Exchange (BME), Encomenda Smart Capital, the Spanish Association of Business Angels (AEBAN), Eoniq.fund, Ricari, Letslaw, Supra Legitt, Málaga Tech, Keiretsu FOrum, Female Startup Leaders and the Spanish Association of Business Schools (AEEN), among others. The organisation continues to work to ensure that this support is even greater. Other members of the ecosystem such as the Professional Association of Experts in New Technologies (PETEC), the University of Helsinki and the University of Jaén are also participating.
Startup OLÉ Marbella will also be the first International Technology Entrepreneurship Fair of the CIBER-SHUBE project. This project is framed within the activities of the CID 245 of the PRTR, an indicator established by the European Commission ("Implementation of the national cybersecurity industry support programme, the global security innovation programme and related actions"). Specifically, through the development of high added value solutions and services in the field of cybersecurity; and training and development of specialised talent in the field of cybersecurity.
To this end, CIBERSECURITY SPAIN HUB ESPAÑA (CIBER-SHUBE) defines, through a transnational project, a set of activities in the fields of Cybersecurity, Innovation and Technological Entrepreneurship to promote reforms that help and accelerate the economic and social recovery of Spain, with support from the funds of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan and the Digital Spain 2026 agenda, focusing on five transversal axes, such as job creation, ecological transition, social and territorial cohesion, digitalisation and gender equality. Based on this, one of the objectives of CIBER-SHUBE is to promote the development of the cybersecurity culture, as well as to support the creation of new companies, the internationalisation of consolidated startups with high potential, the promotion of innovation and the attraction of investment, all in the field of cybersecurity.
In addition, Startup OLÉ Marbella invites the general public to attend the event, being able to register for free as an attendee at the following link: https://lc.cx/2S71hC