This joint programme between INCIBE and the University of Salamanca starts activity in Madrid from 13th to 15th March and will include talks, workshops and events.
The CIBER OLÉ project is supported by funds from the EU-funded Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (Next Generation), the Spanish Government's roadmap for the modernisation of the Spanish economy, the recovery of economic growth and job creation, for solid, inclusive and resilient economic reconstruction after the COVID19 crisis, and to respond to the challenges of the next decade.
The CIBER OLÉ project, i.e. the programme for the development of activities specialising in the promotion of entrepreneurship and the development of cybersecurity products and services, born from the collaboration between the National Cybersecurity Institute (INCIBE) and the University of Salamanca, will start its activity on 13, 14 and 15 March 2024 with several activities in Madrid. The first of these will be a meeting to promote the creation of cybersecurity projects and will take place from 13 to 15 March at the headquarters of AJE Madrid. The second activity will be a major event, which will take place on 14 March 2024 at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Telecomunicación of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, and will include the participation of universities in Madrid, representatives of startups and spin-offs. The Directorate General for Research and Innovation of the Community of Madrid has collaborated in the event with the invaluable support of the Madrid Regional Government. CIBER OLÉ will extend its activity during the years 2024 and 2025 and will carry out numerous actions throughout Spain, in locations such as Marbella, Ibiza, Jaén and Salamanca, among others.
On 14 March 2024 at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Telecomunicación of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, there will be a talk on artificial intelligence as a tool for economic and business development by Enrique Ávila, director of the Centro de Análisis y Prospectiva de la Guardia Civil. There will also be a workshop with round tables on cybersecurity, entrepreneurship, start-ups, investment, communication, sales, marketing and branding, among others. This activity will be attended by great speakers such as José Luis Belinchón, manager of Technological Innovation of the Community of Madrid; Víctor Villagrá, director of the Master's Degree in Cybersecurity at the Polytechnic University of Madrid; Sandra Cerrada, president of AJE Madrid; David Alonso, director of Compluemprende; Luis Hernández, research professor at the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC); Verónica Jiménez, CEO and Founder of WomanCard Spain; Alexandrina Grosu, CEO of EscapeUp; Sara Zangri CEO of Medea Mind; Andrés Pulgarín, CEO of BotsLovers; Soraya Cadalso, co-founder of Uttopion; Javier Picón, CEO of Acero Watch; Rubén Linacero, manager of Entrepreneurship Programmes at the Fundación para el Conocimiento madri+d; and Iván Manzanares, director of the Centro de Apoyo a la Innovación y Transferencia de Conocimiento (CAITEC) of the Fundación de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, among others. Emilio Corchado, director of CIBER OLÉ and CEO and founder of Startup OLÉ, will present the project and act as master of ceremonies for the event.
For its part, the activity to be held at AJE Madrid from 13 to 15 March 2024 will feature a programme associated with entrepreneurship and cybersecurity in which various teams will present their ideas and projects, working to develop and perfect them throughout the event, to create a startup characterised by generating and offering cyber secure services and/or products. To do so, they will be supported by mentors, and experts in cybersecurity and other fields such as communication, legal aspects, and business models. Finally, the participating teams will present the result of their work to a jury of experts, thus generating their connection with investors, corporates, public administrations, the media and other agents in the ecosystem.
This initiative is part of the Programme for the Promotion of the National Cybersecurity Industry to influence key aspects aimed at the growth and development of new companies in the sector, framed in the INCIBE Emprende programme, and with which the University of Salamanca will develop the initiative entitled 'Public invitation for the development of actions to attract business ideas, incubation and acceleration of entrepreneurial projects', which will seek the development of specialised activities (talks, workshops and events) in the promotion of entrepreneurial initiatives in cybersecurity, with the common aim of incorporating entrepreneurs into the Spanish digital economy and society, providing material, and personal resources for its achievement in a joint and coordinated manner.
The CIBER OLÉ project is supported by funds from the EU-funded Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (Next Generation), the Spanish Government's roadmap for the modernisation of the Spanish economy, the recovery of economic growth and job creation, for solid, inclusive and resilient economic reconstruction after the COVID19 crisis, and to respond to the challenges of the next decade.
INCIBE, within the Global Security Innovation Programme, has the particular mission of boosting the cybersecurity capabilities of society and the economy in general through a programme that seeks to promote and generate knowledge and its transfer to the productive sector, especially by establishing synergies between the social and economic spheres of cybersecurity. To develop this purpose, the programme of grants for the excellence of advanced research teams in cybersecurity was launched in 2018. In 2022, specifically on 5 December, in order to give continuity to this strategy, the public invitation for collaboration in the promotion of Strategic Cybersecurity Projects in Spain was published. Strategic projects are a way of providing concrete solutions to some of the greatest scientific and technological challenges facing our society and economy. They are aimed at promoting the application of the results of research and innovation, combining new forms of governance and collaboration, as well as involving citizens and the productive and social fabric.
INCIBE's initiatives to promote cybersecurity entrepreneurship are aimed at entrepreneurs and start-ups with innovative cybersecurity ideas and projects in the phase of capturing business ideas, incubation, acceleration and express acceleration. All of them are included in the Programme to Boost the National Cybersecurity Industry, especially contributing to the key aspect of the industry: Boosting the national cybersecurity industry for the emergence, growth and development of companies in this sector. This programme, which will be implemented under the umbrella of INCIBE Emprende, is included in the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (PRTR) through Component 15. Investment 7 Cybersecurity: Strengthening the capacities of citizens, SMEs and professionals and boosting the sector.
All those interested, especially freelancers and entrepreneurs, dedicated to cybersecurity can attend the great launch of CIBER OLÉ completely free of charge, they only have to register in our event through the following link: https://lc.cx/rEpLjE