This joint programme between the National Institute of Cybersecurity (INCIBE), an entity under the Ministry for Digital Transformation and Public Function, through the Secretary of State for Digitalisation and Artificial Intelligence, and the University of Salamanca took place in Ibiza from 25 to 26 April and included talks, round tables, workshops and a hackathon.
These activities are part of the INCIBE Emprende initiative, within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan and the Digital Spain 2026 agenda.
The CIBER OLÉ project, i.e. the programme for the development of activities specialising in the promotion of entrepreneurship and the development of cybersecurity products and services, born from the collaboration between the INCIBE and the University of Salamanca, continued its activity on 25 and 26 April 2024 with several activities in Ibiza. The first of these was a meeting to promote the creation of cybersecurity projects, which took place on 25 April. The second activity was a large technological event, from 25 to 26 April 2024, with the participation of representatives of startups and spin-offs. Both activities took place within the framework of the Ibiza Tech Forum.
The event on Thursday 25 April 2024 took place in the Plaza de Reina Sofia of the Balearic Islands in the morning and in Hall A of the University of the Balearic Islands in the afternoon. It consisted of 9 round tables and 4 plenary talks, aimed at promoting the culture of entrepreneurship, the use of technologies such as blockchain, cybersecurity and investment and financing of startups, among other topics. This activity will feature great speakers such as Joanna Youle, founder of Reset Rebel Productions; Nacho Alonso, CEO of Pinama Investments; Eneko Knörr, president of Asecrypto; Guillermo Soto; managing partner, COREangels; Astghik Zakharyan, European Director of SIA (Startups Investor Accelerator); Emilio Corchado, CEO and founder of Startup OLÉ and Director of CIBER-OLÉ; Alberto Andújar, Director of BIGBAN Inversores Privados; Tom Horsey, Managing Partner of Eoniq. fund; Adrián Escabias, managing director & CEO of Aticco Ventures; Marta Emerson, Vice President of AMCES (Spanish Mentoring Association); Enrique Sánchez, founder and CEO of Black Horizon; Alexandrina Grosu, CEO and co-founder of EscapeUp; Markus Törstedt, Venture Capital investor at Bynd Venture Capital; Vanessa Palmer, Director of Business Development at CaixaBank DayOne; Teodoro García, Director of Future Energy at the World Energy Council; José Fernando Molina, founder of Block World Tour; Shirly Valge, Director of Growth at Partisia Blockchain; José Outomouro, Institutional Leader for Spain and Latam at Binance; Yassir Doutroi, co-founder and CMO of BlockAuth; and Jose Fernando, CEO of TerritorioBlockchain, among others.
For its part, the activity held in Hall A of the University of the Balearic Islands from 25 to 26 April 2024, entitled CIBER OLÉ Hackathon, featured a programme with content associated with entrepreneurship and cybersecurity in which various teams presented their ideas and projects to solve different challenges associated with the city of Ibiza, within the framework of the seasonal tourism and housing and real estate sectors, working to develop and perfect them throughout the event, with the aim of creating a startup characterised by generating and offering cybersecure services and/or products. To do so, they had the support of mentors, experts in cybersecurity and other fields such as communication, legal aspects, business models, among others. Finally, the participating teams presented the result of their work before a jury of experts, thus generating their connection with investors, corporations, public administrations, the media and other agents in the ecosystem.
Boosting entrepreneurs
INCIBE Emprende was created with the aim of providing a boost to cybersecurity entrepreneurship. One of its objectives is to strengthen the cybersecurity capabilities of citizens, SMEs and professionals, and to promote the ecosystem of the cybersecurity sector.
During 2023-2026, INCIBE will continue to support Spanish cybersecurity entrepreneurs and start-ups throughout the entire entrepreneurial process, from the phase of attracting business ideas to incubation and acceleration. In fact, at the Institute we have been promoting cybersecurity entrepreneurship for more than 7 years, which is reflected in the Alumni network, a community that includes some of the most relevant cyber start-ups on the national and international scene.
The initiatives and actions of INCIBE Emprende are included in the National Cybersecurity Industry Promotion Programme included in the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (PRTR) through Component 15. Investment 7 Cybersecurity: Strengthening the capacities of citizens, SMEs and professionals and promoting the sector.
For more information, please visit: https://ciber-ole.eu/evento-ibiza