The Christmas Switch Off – why taking a break is important

As the festive season is very quickly approaching, it is a crucial time for startup founders to consider the importance of stepping back and disconnecting from their work.

In a world where the boundaries between professional and personal lives are increasingly blurred, especially in the fast-paced environment of technology startups, taking a break over Christmas is not just a luxury, it’s a necessity for long-term success and wellbeing.

In a Forbes article, Misho Zghulade, Co-Founder and Growth Lead Kernel, claimed that startup founders work an estimated 60-100 hours per week. This is a common occurrence across the tech startup landscape, and while working hard may provide results, not taking breaks will lead to burnout, more stress, and simply missing out on spending important time with family and friends.

Rest is a necessity for sustained innovation

Mental Rejuvenation: Continuous work without adequate breaks can lead to burnout, a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by prolonged stress. Taking time off during Christmas allows founders to rejuvenate mentally, fostering creativity and innovation upon their return.

Perspective Gaining: Distance from daily tasks provides a unique opportunity to reflect on the bigger picture. This break can lead to valuable insights about the company’s direction, strategy, and personal goals. Founders can come back to their work with a fresh pair of eyes, which can lead to better, and faster, problem solving.

Enhanced Productivity: Research has shown that rest is essential for high productivity. A well-rested mind is more efficient, making effective decisions, and solving problems with greater agility.

Strong team culture

The Founder of a startup sets the tone of the company. Founders who prioritise time off of work and allow themselves to switch off set a positive example for their employees. This promotes a healthier work-life balance within the company, which in turn, will mean that employees are happier, more hardworking, and healthier.

Personal Health and Relationships

Health Benefits: Disconnecting helps reduce stress, which is critical for both physical and mental health. Chronic stress can lead to a host of health issues, from heart disease to depression. Taking the time to switch off and allow yourself to experience life outside of work makes your stress levels drop, and allows your mind to breathe.

Nurturing Personal Relationships: The festive season is a time to strengthen bonds with family and friends. For founders, who often sacrifice personal time for their business, this is a golden opportunity to reconnect with loved ones. Founders can often miss out on important moments and events, due to needing to ‘just do that one more thing’. The holiday season is the perfect time to catch up with friends and family, and create beautiful memories.

Strategic Planning for the New Year

Ready for Challenges: A well-rested founder is better equipped to face the challenges of the new year. This period of rest can be a strategic advantage, enabling clearer thinking and goal setting. It enables a founder to gain much needed perspective on the business and future hurdles that may present themselves.

Inspiration and New Ideas: Taking time off during the Christmas season can act as a catalyst for sparking new ideas and innovative approaches. This break from the routine of work allows founders to immerse themselves in different environments and experiences, which can be instrumental in developing fresh perspectives. This kind of exposure often leads to creative solutions for existing business challenges. As previously noted, the value of approaching problems with a fresh set of eyes cannot be overstated. What might have been a prolonged struggle in a task can transform into an efficient resolution when revisited with a rejuvenated mind. This process of stepping away and returning can make a significant difference, turning hours of frustration into moments of clarity and success.


In conclusion, disconnecting over the Christmas period is not just beneficial, but essential for startup founders. It offers a chance for mental rejuvenation, perspective gaining, and enhanced productivity, while also contributing to a stronger team culture and personal wellbeing. As we embrace the festive season, it is wise for founders to remember that stepping back can be a powerful step forward for themselves and their startups.