Login Diversifying your income stream is the best way to safeguard your financial security We are in an unprecedented time on a global scale. The Coronavirus pandemic has altered our way of life and caused anxiety to sweep across the nation. Not only in the population concerned with the health of themselves and their loved ones, we are in the middle of an employment crisis of its own merit. HR 4 years ago
Login Team tips for hiring employees You know you need cloud skills within your startup, you have prepared the job spec for the right person (see our Cloud Skills Startip for details), and now you want to make sure that the world knows you are looking for this person and that your startup is the best place to work on earth. And preferably, you don’t want to spend a penny finding that person, because your startup is a lean startup. So how do you do this? HR 4 years ago
Login How can SME’s ensure that they are COVID-19 safe? British shopkeepers sighed a breath of relief on Monday night as the Government announced lockdown restrictions will be lifted as of 15th June 2020, allowing non-essential retailers to reopen. Life, HR 4 years ago
Login Here's how you can assess a developer’s coding skills before hiring The main challenge met by recruiters when hiring developers is to find qualified candidates for the job vacancy. Because mis-hires are increasingly costly in the tech industry, it is imperative to assess a programmer’s technical skills during the recruiting process to validate whether or not they will be a good fit for the job. HR 4 years ago
Login What sort of legal support do you need? RECENT figures showed that 2019 was a record year for startups, and 2020 is set to be even better. With the uncertainty surrounding Brexit finally out of the way, experts predict we will see a surge in the number of businesses setting off on an exciting new journey. HR 4 years ago
Login Why startups should build an age diverse workforce In the exciting world of startups and small businesses, sometimes it's far too easy to forget about the ageing population when hiring. An obvious first thought is ‘cheap labour’ in the form of an ambitious and career hungry graduate. HR 5 years ago
Login A Critical Friend: Relationship of the Chairman and CEO I remember my first CEO role. God I was scared. Would my staff do as I asked? Who could go to for help? Was I expected to be omnipotent? Fortunately I had a great Chairman who had been there, got the T-shirt, and the scars. HR 5 years ago
Login How to encourage employees to utilise their benefits Companies offer benefits to ensure a happy, motivated, and well-rested workforce. Still, more than half (52%) of American workers do not use all of their vacation days. HR 5 years ago
Login The power of a 'real life' conversation in the workplace Today, we’re bombarded with so much tech based communication at work that we’re forgetting how to have effective ‘real life ‘conversations. This is having a huge impact on relationship building in the workplace. HR 5 years ago
Login Understanding employee exits and dismissals Whether you’re looking to exit individuals on selling your business, downsizing a department or terminating an employment contract after a fair disciplinary hearing, at some point you will need to part ways with an employee. HR 5 years ago
Login Preparing for and facing HR challenges as a small business No business owner should expect a completely smooth path to success – especially not when it comes to handling people on a daily basis. HR 5 years ago
Login Building trust in leadership It may not come as a surprise but nevertheless, it’s somewhat depressing to know that the level of trust people have for leadership remains low. HR 5 years ago
Login Staying on the right track In this week’s guide, we look at how to manage your employees to ensure long term happiness and health, with performance management, sickness and absence management and incentive share schemes. HR 5 years ago
Login What Staff Really Want - Listening to your Team’s Needs What people require from their employers, managers, and colleagues, is different to what it was in past years. The days of having one job for life are long gone. In the highly competitive tech industry, hiring is but the first challenge - retaining and growing a sustainable team for the future is the holy ground. HR 5 years ago
Login Guide: Recruitment, workers’ rights and business immigration Once you have the paperwork in place and guidelines established, it’s time to start bringing staff on board. There are a huge range of different legal factors to consider when recruiting, not least the laws around equality and right to work, so this week, we look at recruitment, workers’ rights and business immigration. HR 5 years ago
Login Resolving business conflict between shareholders With Conflict Resolution Day taking place on Thursday 17th October Louise Hebborn, Commercial Partner at Stephensons Solicitors LLP, discusses business disputes and shareholder’s legal rights. HR 5 years ago
Login The first steps: A guide to the basics Before you can begin to hire a team, it’s vital to have an understanding of the laws and principles around employment as a whole, and to have checked your business is ready to take on employees. HR 5 years ago
Login Drive employee engagement, learn how to be a Confident Coach In today’s fast-paced world, standing still is no longer an option. As your business grows and develops, it’s more important than ever to help your people upgrade their skills and adapt to new ways of working. HR 5 years ago
Login The link between mental Wellbeing and Leadership Performance Psychotherapist Noel McDermott is an expert on mental health in the workplace and runs Mental Health Works Ltd. He works alongside employers providing wellbeing in the workplace advice and solutions, teaching them tools to keep staff healthy. HR 5 years ago
Login Four ways to empower your team Carlene Jackson, CEO of Brighton-based tech company Cloud9 Insight, is one of the UK's top 25 SME culture leaders for 2019, according to the recent report by Real Business magazine. Here, she shares her views on employee happiness and wellbeing. HR 5 years ago