Shaping the future with 'Tech for Good'
Unbound Festival this year saw an influx of tech for good innovation, propelling the industry towards a bright and influential future. Spearheading the mainstream market today is a boom in self-care apps from mindfulness to sleep assistance, while location-based apps designed to tackle physical inactivity are making scenic walking as easy to find as getting an Uber is to order.
Environmental tech is making sophisticated and automated waste recycling a reality, as well as renewable energy more accessible, through apps and products increasing its usage, purchase and sale. Undoubtedly the most impressive tech seen at Unbound was the innovation that directly enhanced people’s quality of life, including virtual reality that improves neurological mobility difficulties, to digitally-integrated walking canes that increase independence for the visually impaired, through detection and navigation assistance. Here are a few examples of Tech for Good innovation at Unbound.
Tech for Environment
Resilience Energy aims to increase solar energy usage through an app that allows homeowners to produce, store and sell energy. Other notable tech innovators include Deciwatt: a portable renewable energy company where pulling a cord (as opposed to needing sunlight or electricity) can create light and power. Emsol is an air and noise pollution monitoring solution that tracks and measures the impact of transport emissions. AI company Grey Parrot, uses computer vision solutions to identify different types of waste that has the potential to revolutionise waste management and automation. Lastly, Cogz connects food producers directly
with trade buyers on their website, to sell surplus produce before it becomes food waste.
Tech for Medical
Andiamo provides 3D bespoke-made supports for disabled children, while Avenna, provides tech that works on the causal pathways and early detection of chronic inflammatory diseases. Walk with Path, has designed a shoe attachment equipped with visual cues to assist people with walking problems caused by neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s. Another walking-assisted invention is WeWalk, which aims to help the estimated over 250 million visually impaired people worldwide with a technologically advanced voice-controlled cane, where objects above chest height can be detected by ultrasound, and a phone app and Google Maps are integrated to aid navigation. In terms of physiological rehabilitation, Immersive Rehab uses VR physiotherapy programmes to help sufferers of neurological mobility issues, or those with balancing difficulties resulting from the likes of strokes, spinal cord injuries or multiple sclerosis.
Tech for Health
Go Jauntly’s mission to alleviate inactivity, stress and depression by finding interesting location-targeted walks based on your location, is categorised by preference, such as walks under 45 minutes, walks with views, and walks that are child-friendly. A fantastic piece of tech for good innovation is Storyball, a screenfree smart toy for kids that uses dynamic games and challenges to get kids moving and learning.
Solving social, environmental and health problems with tech solutions is one of the most relevant, critically important applications of the 21st Century. It’s a sign of exciting feats yet to come, and with disruptive startups paving the way for tech innovation, it shows the magnitude of its potential for the future.