Why microlearning is the driving force in edtech

In a world where change is the only constant, the demand for agile and effective learning solutions has never been greater. This reality is why EdTech embraces microlearning to satiate the appetite for knowledge through engaging learning experiences. The question is, how? What makes microlearning so effective?

Put simply, microlearning is an educational approach that delivers knowledge in bite-sized and easily digestible chunks. Over the past decade, it has proven equally beneficial for learners, knowledge providers, and businesses. In this article, I’ll focus on the game-changing benefits of microlearning and explain why this niche continues its meteoric rise.

Just-in-time knowledge for new learning needs

The skills and knowledge that are highly sought-after today are quite different from what they were ten years ago. That’s the price of living in a fast-paced world where new information quickly becomes obsolete, and the demand for new skills is ever-changing. All this puts pressure on EdTech platforms to deliver up-to-date knowledge and on students to complete courses as quickly as possible.

Microlearning solves both of these problems, as it shortens content creators' production cycles while allowing for more flexibility at each stage of development. As a result, learners have access to the most current information in line with their educational needs.

Moreover, since microlearning media takes much less time to produce, it allows experimentation with different types of content, such as talking head courses, animation, audio, simulators, interactive lessons, and many more. At the same time, users are free to choose formats they find most effective and convenient, allowing platforms to cater to wider audiences.

Bite-sized formats drive engagements

One of the key strengths of the microlearning format is that it lends itself well to gamification, a powerful tool for enhancing the learning experience. In its simplest form, gamified microlearning can encourage users to maintain their daily streaks by studying every single day. They then receive badges or other achievements as a reward for reaching milestones.

Some platforms go further, giving users experience points for completing lessons and ranking them on leaderboards. This gamified approach not only motivates learners to complete more lessons but also fosters a sense of competition.

Another factor driving user engagement is that with microlearning, users are more likely to commit to their studies, having complete control of their learning flow. Learners can seamlessly integrate their studies into their busy schedules with short, focused lessons. Whether during a coffee break, a commute, or a spare moment at home, microlearning enables users to maximize their time, making it a crucial asset for those juggling multiple commitments.

Users see real results quickly

Alongside gamification, microlearning is perfect for applying spaced repetition, a tried-and-true learning strategy that improves knowledge retention. It was developed to counteract the human brain's tendency to forget information over time. For instance, if you’re reading a huge chunk of new information, you will soon forget most of what you’ve learned unless you review it. The result is minimal payoff and wasted time.

However, strategically spacing out your learning and review sessions can reinforce new knowledge. In other words, spaced repetition ensures that learners grasp information rapidly and retain it over the long term.

So, instead of cramming large amounts of data into your memory all at once, spaced repetition prompts you to absorb it in smaller portions while revisiting key highlights at intervals tailored to your learning pace. As a result, this information gets stored in your long-term memory, allowing you to retrieve it on demand. And that is why users experience rapid and enduring results with spaced repetition.

The future of microlearning

Microlearning has become and remains a powerhouse niche. Its capacity to provide just-in-time knowledge, engage users through gamification, and deliver tangible results makes it the darling of the EdTech industry with significant prospects.

As EdTech continues to evolve, microlearning stands out as an indispensable tool for those seeking to gain quality knowledge on their terms. Its proven results position it as the driving force in the EdTech industry, shaping the future of learning in a world that demands flexibility and efficiency.