Unruly Capital Launches Venture Capital Dashboard, Setting New Transparency Standard

Unruly Capital, a venture firm committed to breaking conventions and supporting futuretech, has launched its new Venture Capital Dashboard. This tool provides unmatched insight into their investment activities, setting a new standard for transparency in the venture capital industry.

Traditional venture capital firms often keep detailed investment data confidential, making it difficult for founders to assess a firm’s suitability for funding. This lack of transparency can lead to inefficiencies and misunderstandings, leaving founders uncertain about engaging with potential investors. By making their internal investment data public, Unruly Capital offers founders a comprehensive view of their investment patterns and capabilities. This includes data on closing dates, amounts raised and deployed, number of deals, average check sizes, valuations, ownership stakes, and more. Founders can now make informed decisions based on real data, ensuring they engage with investors who truly align with their needs.

Key features of the Venture Capital Dashboard include:

  • Detailed fund data: Access to information such as amounts raised, fees, amounts deployed, deal frequency, average investment amounts, and ownership stakes.
  • Detailed investment data: Information on investment amounts, dates, and co-investors for all of the fund’s investments.
  • Transparency in action: Visibility into the number of deals done, deals per quarter, investment rounds, and categories invested in.
  • Performance metrics: MOIC (Multiple on Invested Capital) and write-off data to assess investment performance.

This transparency initiative by Unruly Capital is unprecedented in the venture capital space. By sharing data typically held confidential, they aim to attract the right founders, save time on explaining their operations to founders, co-investors, and LPs, and maintain high accountability. This move is poised to set a new benchmark in the industry, encouraging other firms to follow suit.

"There’s too much ambiguity in venture capital; lots of nice glossy websites that show you team headshots and an example portfolio, and offering very little else to prospective founders. Today, with the launch of our new website, we’re tearing down the curtain and inviting founders to peek under the hood. This isn’t just about transparency – it’s about evolving how we relate with founders. Founders can now see exactly how we operate, decide if we’re the right fit, and skip the guesswork," commented Stefano Bernardi, Founder and General Partner of Unruly Capital.

The Venture Capital Dashboard will be available for the flagship Unruly I Fund, and for all of the GP’s previous investments, with plans to embed this transparency into future funds to ensure founders always have a clear, comprehensive view of investment activities.