UK-based Werover digitises wind energy industry and transforms asset monitoring

Wind turbines are colossal structures equipped with blades that spin when the wind blows. This motion turns a generator inside the turbine, converting the kinetic energy of the wind into electrical energy. Each turbine is connected to a grid that distributes electricity to homes, businesses, and industries. Wind energy is a renewable resource, it's clean and doesn't produce greenhouse gas emissions, and it is environmentally friendly.

Renewables account for around 30% of the world's electricity generation, with wind power contributing about 7%. Advancements in wind turbine technology have reduced the cost of wind energy, making it increasingly competitive with traditional fossil fuels. This growth in wind energy not only supports the transition to a more sustainable energy system but also fosters economic development through job creation in manufacturing, installation, and maintenance sectors.

Challenges Facing Wind Turbine Blades

Did you know that replacing a single wind turbine blade can cost up to $1 million, and in the event of failure, energy companies spend approximately $60,000 per year on blade repairs? Wind energy is crucial for reducing our reliance on fossil fuels and combating climate change. However, operating and maintaining wind turbines, especially blades, have many challenges. Wind turbine blades are highly prone to damage due to harsh environmental conditions. These massive structures, often spanning over 100 meters in length, are constantly exposed to wind, rain, hail, and other elements. Over time, this exposure can lead to erosion, surface degradation, and structural weaknesses, lowering the blades' integrity and efficiency. These issues do not only pose safety concerns but also result in significant maintenance costs and downtime for wind energy companies. Furthermore, the logistics of transporting and installing replacement blades are a very complex and costly procedure. Therefore, innovative solutions are needed to monitor, detect, and address blade damage in a timely and cost-effective manner.

Werover's Mission

At Werover, we've developed an AI-powered solution, Windrover, specifically designed to address the challenges faced by wind turbine operators. This solution monitors the health of wind turbine blades using acoustic sensors to detect anomalies indicating potential damage. The device is easy to install, plug-and-play, and seamlessly integrates into the tower without disrupting turbine operations, a crucial feature for uninterrupted energy production. Moreover, Windrover is self-sustaining, equipped with solar panels that keep it charged, eliminating the need for external power sources.

Once installed, Windrover continuously analyses data from the blades using machine learning algorithms. It detects early signs of damage such as cracks, erosion, lightning strikes, or structural weaknesses in real-time. This proactive approach enables timely maintenance interventions, preventing minor issues from escalating into costly repairs or replacements. By identifying and addressing potential problems early on, we significantly reduce maintenance costs for wind energy companies and ensure the reliability and longevity of wind turbines.

Our platform optimises maintenance schedules, ensuring resources are allocated efficiently and downtime is minimised. By strategically planning maintenance activities based on the actual condition of the blades, operators can maximise the productivity and reliability of their wind turbines.

Furthermore, our system contributes to the extension of asset lifespan, enhancing the overall sustainability and profitability of wind energy projects. By proactively managing blade health and implementing targeted maintenance strategies, operators can prolong the operational lifespan of their turbines, maximising their return on investment and minimising the need for blade replacements. Our goal at Werover is not only to support the renewable energy sector but also to drive technological advancements that foster a more sustainable future.

Future Directions

Werover is continuously innovating to enhance the capabilities of our Windrover system. We aim to improve the accuracy and efficiency of our monitoring solutions by enhancing our machine learning algorithms. Additionally, we are working to increase the resilience of our system in offshore environments. Our objective is to reduce blade replacement risks and downtime by 50%, thereby furthering the sustainability and reliability of wind energy production.

In line with technological developments, Werover is actively seeking funding to support our growth and expansion. Currently, our company is in the Seed stage of fundraising. We are seeking $1.5 million to accelerate our efforts in fully integrating into the UK wind energy market. This investment will enable us to scale our operations, strengthen our market presence, and deploy our advanced monitoring solutions to wind farms across the country. By combining our innovative technology with strategic funding, we aim to drive significant advancements in the wind energy sector.