The second edition of the Startup OLÉ fair in the US city was held on 23-24 March 2025 at the LoanDepot Park stadium. It was supported by INNVIERTE-CDTI, Miami-Dade County, Junta de Andalucía, Ayuntamiento de Salamanca, Abanca, Ayuntamiento de Marbella, Cámara de Comercio Latina de los Estados Unidos (CAMACOL) and Universidad de Salamanca.

This activity was supported by CIBER-SHUBE, a project co-funded by Instituto Nacional de Ciberseguridad (INCIBE), an entity dependent on Ministerio para la Transformación Digital y de la Función Pública, through Secretaría de Estado de Telecomunicaciones e Infraestructuras Digitales, and Universidad de Salamanca.

The LoanDepot Park stadium, home of the Miami Marlins baseball team, was the venue for the second edition of Startup OLÉ Miami'25, an international event of entrepreneurship and technological innovation that Startup OLÉ developed in “The Magic City”. This initiative took place on 23rd and 24th March, coinciding with the start of the town's Technology Week, and its aim was to connect entrepreneurs and startups with investors, corporates, public administrations, media and other agents of the ecosystem in Miami, one of the fastest growing in the United States; and also a town with a large Spanish-speaking population, being a gateway for Ibero-American agents and entrepreneurs to the North American market. In this way, Startup OLÉ's objective was to accelerate the growth of companies, their access to investment and clients in the United States and Latin America, with a special focus on the development of cyber-insurance products and services.

To this end, Startup OLÉ Miami'25 included a forum for investment funds, business angels and corporates; an Accelerator Assembly; talks on the role of public administrations and universities in supporting entrepreneurship; panels focused on the value of the media in the ecosystem; as well as activities aimed at promoting and boosting cybersecurity and artificial intelligence as key verticals (CIBER-SHUBE). It also featured a startup fair, a pitch competition where the best startups attending the event were awarded prizes, a reverse pitch with which corporates and service providers showcased their services to entrepreneurs, business rounds, and networking cocktails, making Startup OLÉ Miami not only an event but a great experience for its attendees. The numbers reached this year exceeded 1,000 attendees from 31 countries and more than 240 speakers.

Special mention should be made of the inclusion in the event of the INNVIERTE-CDTI forum, with which the Spanish administration had a space to present its initiatives; participation and moderation in round tables and talks aimed at international investment, as well as in the institutional events of Startup OLÉ Miami'25; an area of their own where they could hold meetings with interested startups, as well as with other agents of the ecosystem. In addition, they led a delegation of Spanish startups, which enjoyed their stand, participation in the pitch competition and matchmaking activity and access to the digital networking tool, among other services. All of this fostered business relations between Spain and Europe with the United States and Latin America.

The second edition of this fair was supported by corporates, investors and entities such as Abanca, Asociación Argentina de Capital Privado, Emprendedor y Semilla (ARCAP); Asociación Uruguaya de Capital Privado (URUCAP), Impacta VC, RTVE, Mana Tech, Silicon Valley Bank, Miami Fintech Club, Goel Advisory & Consulting Services, PARCAPY, Prochile, Procolombia, BASE Capital, h20 Capital, Fen Ventures, Future Funders, Zero Risk Startup, InsituBG, Medici Global Ventures, Successful Fund, Exit Ventures, Newlin Ventures, Feel One World and Letslaw. In terms of public institutions and other business entities, Startup OLÉ received the support of INNVIERTE-CDTI, INCIBE, Miami-Dade County, Junta de Andalucía, Ayuntamiento de Salamanca, Ayuntamiento de Marbella, Cámara de Comercio Latina de los Estados Unidos (CAMACOL) and Universidad de Salamanca.

In addition, incredible international speakers took part, such as, for example, Christi Fraga, Mayoress of City of Doral; Mario J. Sacasa, Senior Vice President of International Economic Development, Miami-Dade Beacon Council; Maria Dreyfus-Ulvert, Deputy Director of Economic Development, Miami-Dade County; Cristiano Berbert, Consul of Brazil in Miami; Marcelo Gilardoni, Consul of Argentina in Miami; Charly Esnal, CEO of Mana Tech; Pilar Carrato, Economic and Financial Director of CDTI; Sara Goldberg, Executive Director of URUCAP; Fernando Paez, Executive Director of ARCAP; Claudia Serrer, Trade Commissioner for the Southeast US of Prochile; Alejandro Echeverri, Foreign Direct Investment representative of Procolombia; David Alvo, partner of Impacta VC; Nicolás Toro, Latin America director of Silicon Valley Bank; Omar Arab, CEO of Miami Fintech Club; Elena Dolisnki, member of the Executive Committee of BASE Capital; Estela Cachoua, director of the US-Mexico Chamber of Commerce; and Luciano Boggiano, executive director of PARCAPY. Emilio Corchado, CEO and founder of Startup OLÉ, hosted the event.

Numerous startups presented their projects to a jury of investors and corporate representatives during the pitch competition. In that sense, The AirCraft Company emerged as the big winner of the competition; GenAIus and INVIERTIS came in second and third place, respectively. These winning companies received a direct pass to the Startup OLÉ events, including services such as a booth, access to the cocktail parties and the networking app, the possibility to participate in the matchmaking activities and the direct pass to the pitch competitions Startup OLÉ Salamanca‘25 (15th-17th October) and Startup OLÉ Miami’26. In addition, the top six companies will have all these services except the direct pass to the pitch competition.

The activity called Organización de 4 CIBER-SHUBE STARTUP OLÉ Latam/USA Roadshows, which is part of the agreement between INCIBE and Universidad de Salamanca called ‘CIBER-SHUBE’, included in Proyectos Estratégicos en España, in the framework of  Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia, with funding from the Next Generation-EU Funds, took place in this event.

INCIBE's strategic projects

INCIBE's particular mission is to boost the cybersecurity capabilities of society and the economy in general through a programme that seeks to promote and generate knowledge and its transfer to the productive sector, especially by establishing synergies between the social and economic spheres of cybersecurity. To develop this purpose, the programme of grants for the excellence of advanced research teams in cybersecurity was launched in 2018. In 2022, specifically on 5 December, in order to give continuity to this strategy, the public invitation for collaboration in the promotion of Proyectos Estratégicos de Ciberseguridad en España was published.

These initiatives are included in Programa Global de Innovación en Seguridad, included in the Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia (PRTR) through Component 15. Investment 7 Cybersecurity: Strengthening the capacities of citizens, SMEs and professionals and boosting the sector.

Strategic projects are a way of providing concrete solutions to some of the biggest scientific and technological challenges facing our society and economy. They are aimed at promoting the application of the results of research and innovation, combining new forms of governance and collaboration, as well as involving citizens and the productive and social fabric.