Small Business Britain relaunches 'Small and Mighty' to boost microbusinesses

Small Business Britain’s ‘Small and Mighty Enterprise Programme’ is set to return this autumn to aid Britain’s smallest firms as the economy begins to recover.

This initiative, which has supported nearly 3,000 sole traders and microbusinesses since its inception in 2022, aims to address the current skills gap and foster UK growth.

In collaboration with global small business platform Xero and ARU Peterborough, the Small and Mighty Enterprise Programme targets the UK's 5.2 million microbusinesses. These businesses have often been overlooked by previous government support schemes like 'Help to Grow', which primarily focus on more established startups.

This announcement coincides with the Government's new national skills initiative, Skills England, which aims to collaborate with employers to further enhance workforce capabilities.

“The majority of small firms in the UK are microbusinesses. They represent the future of our nation’s prosperity and are the heart of our economy. Yet despite their vast number there is very little support on offer to help these firms to make those very first steps towards growth,” said Michelle Ovens CBE, Founder of Small Business Britain.

“Two years ago, we set out to fix that with Small and Mighty, offering targeted, practical guidance for the early stages of growing a business, and crucially with direct access to experienced mentors. We hope this helps to drive greater opportunity as the UK economy looks set to turn a corner. And we hope that this will be accompanied by more national support for microbusinesses as the new Government sets out its plans for businesses.”

Commencing in September, the six-week programme will have 500 free places available and be delivered fully online with guidance from ARU Peterborough academics, Xero experts and other seasoned professionals. 

Denise de Gromoboy, Founder of Denalis Jewellery took part in the Small and Mighty programme to improve her expertise as a business owner. 

“Discovering Small Business Britain and signing up for the Small and Mighty course has been brilliant for my business. I’ve worked for SMEs in the past but there were definite gaps in my knowledge as a business owner. 

“The course filled those gaps, gave me so much more help and information as well as increasing my confidence. I’ve also met so many other small business owners and the support of this group has been invaluable.”

Designed to fit around existing work commitments and offer inclusive and flexible learning, the programme also offers mentoring and peer-to-peer support opportunities.

Alex von Schirmeister, Managing Director, UK and Emerging Markets, Xero, said: “We've seen first hand how transformative The Small & Mighty programme can be for business owners. It's hard enough running your own firm but when you have to wear so many hats, it's even harder to find the time to learn and master these additional skills you need whether that's in finance, marketing, or social media. So a bite-sized course of this kind is very powerful. We can't wait to help the next wave of these small businesses on their journey. They are crucial to our economy and society."

Each business on the Small and Mighty Enterprise programme will receive weekly expert teaching on topics from business strategy and marketing to finance and resilience, along with two hours of free mentoring. And entrepreneurs will also have access to a supportive network of small businesses to share questions, challenges, and solutions, and receive guidance to create an action plan to support their next year of opportunity.

Dr Tom Williamson, Assistant Principal of ARU Peterborough, said: “We’re delighted to be continuing our successful collaboration with Small Business Britain and its fantastic Small and Mighty Enterprise programme.

“ARU Peterborough’s experts in business, management and finance have helped 2700 small businesses to ‘think big’, and we can’t wait to help a new group of microbusiness owners as part of this important programme.”