Scaling as a female CEO in the male-dominated telecommunications space

I started my journey in the telecoms space with a degree in Electronic Engineering – one that I still refer to today, as a CEO, sharing my experience with those around me. As one of five women on the course, it set out the course for the journey I was to embark on.

Being a woman at the helm of a company with big ambitions can have its challenges but, as one of my previous mentors said to me along the way, I may be short but I can step up – I think they were referring to using a footstool to reach the top of a data rack but I'd like to think they saw my potential in the start of my career!

Embrace what sets you apart

As women, it can be easy to try to blend in with the crowd – and in a sector like telecoms, this can be a challenge! But don’t shy away from what makes you stand out – in a male-dominated industry where innovation is key, customer service is crucial, and holistic thinking is invaluable, your perspective as a woman is a strength, not a disadvantage. Whether it’s how you approach problem-solving, manage teams, or build relationships, don’t conform to what you think is the norm – in fact, embracing your uniqueness can be the difference between success and failure.

Build a strong and diverse team

IP Telecom was founded in 2010 at a kitchen table - fast forward 14 years and our team has grown from just myself and my co-founder, Brian Chamberlain, to 40 employees. Our revenue has grown by double digits year-on-year, gone through fundraising rounds and we have acquired companies along the way – and I truly believe this is only the beginning of IP Telecom's scaling journey. But scaling a company isn’t a solo feat – it takes a village.

Our team at IP Telecom has grown not just in size but in diversity, with a 50/50 gender split along with lovely female team members from India, Brazil, Mexico, and of course Ireland. The team that we have alongside us in our growth journey has been vital to our success, and commitment to our mission and underpinned by long hours and hard days. It can feel impossible, but with the right team behind you, nothing is impossible. It starts from the top down – centre yourself with people who align with your vision and values, but seek out those invaluable diverse opinions.

Own your success

I’ve found myself needing to assert my qualifications in certain situations, something my male counterparts rarely have to do. Is it frustrating? Yes, but it’s also an opportunity to remind myself, and others, of the value I bring to the table. Don’t be scared to own your success, lean into your expertise and let your work prove it.

Look at the bigger picture

Finally, I believe it is vital that you give back and carry the same values that you have in work through to other areas of life. Whether it’s through mentoring, community involvement, or supporting initiatives that empower other women, be a part of the bigger picture. Thanks to our success to date, we are able to engage with local initiatives supporting other women, such as our continued proud sponsorship of Peamount United's Women Senior Team into 2025. This partnership is more than just a sponsorship, it's a commitment to empowering women in all sectors – sports, business, technology and beyond.

Scaling a business in a male-dominated industry is a challenge, but it’s also an incredible opportunity. Embrace your uniqueness, build a strong network, and don’t fear your own power.