Government must do more to support startups
The UK Government needs to do more to encourage startup businesses in the wake of COVID-19, according to Dr Keith Arundale at Henley Business School.
In the wake of the pandemic it is likely that seed investing will suffer most out of all the forms of entrepreneurial finance, making it difficult for startup businesses to get off the ground.
Dr Arundale, who specialises in private equity and venture capital, said: “Finance for redundant employees looking to start their own businesses is going to be in short supply. This needs urgent government review along with a revitalisation of local government supported training programmes to re-skill workers to enable them to start their own businesses with business planning and finance raising advice.”
He suggests training, advice and support can be delivered through the efforts of local enterprise partnerships and regional growth hubs, chambers of commerce and other business organisations.
Dr Arundale has co-written a chapter on ‘Private Equity & Venture Capital: Riding the COVID-19 Crisis’ in a new book, A New World Post-COVID-19: Lessons for Business, the Finance Industry and Policy Makers.
The book, co-edited by Henley Business School, explores the effect of the pandemic through a range of topics, including financial markets, travel and tourism, AI and big data, pensions, and entrepreneurship. The book can be downloaded here.