Global Venture Ecosystem unveils AI investment advisor 'Claudia' powered by Anthropic

Axevil Capital, an international digital venture ecosystem facilitating investments in top-tier global tech companies, introduced Claudia, an AI-powered investment advisor.

Leveraging the capabilities of Anthropic Claude 3, Claudia assists venture investors by providing crucial insights and guiding informed financial decisions. This smart assistant taps into Axevil’s extensive knowledge base, proprietary market analytics, and confidential information about Axevil Capital’s portfolio companies to offer tailored advice.

"Generative AI in the B2B market demands precision, as any inaccuracy can impact financial decisions. After analysing all existing models, we chose Anthropic's model due to its leading position in the В2В LLM market and its reputation as the main competitor to Open AI," said Taras Chumachenko, co-founder of Axevil Capital.

Claudia unites the linguistic opportunities of the Anthropic’s LLM with access to internal analytics and a knowledge base from Axevil Capital, helping investors make a well-considered decision and increase assets under management.

Claudia is an integral part of the Axevil Capital application. Taras, the founder of the ecosystem, claims that AI assistants help democratise access to the pre-IPO and late-stage investment market. "Limited access to information about the private company market makes venture capital investment inaccessible to most investors," he says.

"In Claudia, we aggregated all the necessary information for venture investment, so now all users of the Axevil Capital application have the opportunity to get detailed answers to any questions about the venture investment process in general and also about specific Axevil cases. As a result, they can make informed and independent decisions about investing in a particular company based on specific numbers."

The venture assistant is trained to consult on both the general aspects of the investment processes, providing step-by-step instructions for new investors, detailed business metrics, and the chronology of investment cases of Axevil Capital’s portfolio companies: Klarna, Stripe, Revolut, Uzum, Confluent, Databricks, etc.