Five ways tech can help reduce stress in the workplace
As 900k workers in the UK reported work-related stress in 2022, managing day-to-day stresses in the workplace are essential for preventing burnout. So, in honour of Stress Awareness Month (April 2022), experts at Ebuyer have shared their best tech hack tips for stress management in the workplace.
From utilising organizational software on your laptop to running a digital declutter, discover the best technology stress management techniques.
Organise your email inbox
You know you're a digital hoarder when your inbox has thousands of unread messages, and the total unread messages reaches five figures. A clean inbox can be highly satisfying — but how can you stay on top of email when you're being bombarded by hundreds every day
Create folders to sort your emails by category then periodically check and sort the messages. When working through your inbox, deal with each email then and there. If it's junk, delete it — and unsubscribe to all unwanted newsletters. Read only what needs to be read and if it requires action, incorporate it into your to-do list.
Run a digital declutter on your system
If you haven't already set up a decent folder system on your computer, do it as soon as you can. No one wants to use search every time they need to find a file.
First, rename any folder called "New Folder," ones you have not named yet. Next, delete anything you don't need. Then set up a logical system that's convenient for you and anyone else (clients, studio members and so on) with access to your files. Once you've got a solid structure in place, make sure you use it.
Communication is key – coordinate your calendar
With many employees now working remotely, virtual communication is not nearly as simple as popping over to your colleague in the office for a chat. Therefore, it’s incredibly important to add calendar connectivity so teams can easily discuss what they need and catch up on urgent enquiries – instead of those long email chains or back-and-forth phone calls.
Setting up calendar connectivity using software such as Microsoft Teams means as an automated process it can suggest a list of times when everyone is free to meet. This prevents any double bookings and avoids any organisational stress. For efficiency, blocking out your calendar for any important tasks can help workers visualise their day and allow for any extra time for those priority assignments.
Reduce visual stress and adjust your computer settings
With so much time spent with the glare of the computer screens, if the correct precautions aren’t taken workers can develop symptoms of visual stress including migraines and eye strain. However, there are lots of simple functions you can use on your business laptop or monitor to help reduce this.
First of all, you can reduce application settings to add a colour filter to tint the screen for an easier colour on the eye. Use Night Light (PC) or Night Shift (MAC) to emit warmer colours from the screen. Secondly, if you find yourself squinting make you can use zoom functions to make the text on screen bigger. However, it goes without saying that your eyes need a break – use the 20-20-20 rule by looking at something 20 feet away from you for 20 seconds, every 20 minutes.
Utilise time management software
Overworking can, unfortunately, be a common occurrence with the ‘always-on’ culture, meaning many workers don’t always feel a disconnect between home and work. There are many apps that allow personal to-do lists such as Trello as well as Microsoft Task Manager. This gives employees an area to keep track of everything they need to do and prevents any stress from tasks getting mixed up.
Ultimately, management must play a role in helping employees to reduce extensive working hours, so employers should ideally invest in time management software for full transparency on the time their employees spend working. This can help management teams work with their direct reports to create a more reasonable workload.
Commenting on the tips Courtney Williamson, Marketing Manager at Ebuyer said: “With Stress Awareness Month happening in April, it highlights the importance of addressing workplace stress and finding positive ways of managing it better. With technology and software constantly being innovated, it can ease the stresses of everyday work-life and make organisation much easier.”
“Making sure you have the appropriate technology to suit your business structure and support employees (whether working remotely or in the office) is more important than ever.”