Esper Hand presented at CES-2022.
At CES-2022 Esper Bionics presented the Esper Hand, the bionic prosthetic hand of a new generation, which is available for USA users now.
In August 2021 Esper Bionics got an FDA registration and later on in autumn successfully passed medical tests. During December the first American users are going to test Esper Hand 24/7 and then it is presented to the wider audience.
Esper Bionics now has two main products: the bionic prosthetic hand (Esper Hand) and the Сloud Platform to make prosthesis smarter and more personalized.
Esper Hand (due to connection to the platform) recognizes situations, helps to choose the proper grip in advance, and has more precise muscle-activity-detection than anything on the market. It is the first prosthetic hand that gains abilities with the user over time. So, the more user practice, the better Esper Hand understands him/her.
Talking about further plans, Esper Hand is the first robotic hand that can be affordable in the majority of markets due to versions with different prices, from the USA and the EU to Brazil and Indonesia.
Nowadays, there are about five million amputees around the world. And 99% of hand prostheses installed have no function or just one function. We can change it.
Esper Bionics has already made a buzz with the video 'Nika uses Esper Hand', which had more than 15 mln. views and was shared million times all over the web. Since then the prosthesis has been improved in many technical aspects.
"We believe that the biggest impact on humanity will have implanted electronics. They will give extra abilities, eliminate diseases, prolong and fulfilling the lives of billions of people. The birthplace of this technology stack will be the prosthetic industry, the first community of users of big wearables. We are unleashing it now", says co-founder and CEO of Esper Bionics, Dmytro Gazda.