Top tips on best practice for in-house tech business recruitment teams
At a time when the UK’s digital skills gap is wider than ever and great candidates are like gold dust, there is a massive challenge for companies to recruit new staff in the technology sector.
At Quality Engineering consultancy Roq we have found that a great client experience is vital when expanding a workforce. The company recently became a Platinum accredited Investors In People Company, which recognises how Roq has improved performance through the management and development of its people.
The accreditation independently validates how much Roq invests in the team, and we are now keen to share what we have learned about recruitment and onboarding for in-house technology recruitment teams.
Roq has created the White Paper called From Recruiting To Onboarding to share the company's experiences and lessons learned on enhancing the candidate experience from recruitment to onboarding for in-house technology recruitment teams. Here are some of our top tips.
Become an employer of choice
The skills gap is creating a cry for help from the technology industry, with businesses in the sector now having to position themselves as an employer of choice and a well-performing company. Employers can no longer pick from a vast pool of applicants, as candidates are now more selective about where they apply. Businesses looking to recruit new staff must now consider the candidate’s criteria.
The company Criteria reports that the following are all top priorities for candidates when job hunting:
- Work-life balance
- Opportunities for career advancement
- Pay
- Good management and/or team to work with
- Positive work culture
- Sense of purpose at work
- Employee benefits
So, making potential candidates aware that the business covers the non-financial bases as much as the financial ones, will make candidates significantly more receptive to working there. Since the COVID-19 pandemic and the rise of working from home and flexible working, many more candidates now expect flexibility. Hence, work-life balance is currently ranked higher than salary when looking for a job. Hybrid working can save money on travel and time commuting, making the hybrid way of working, if it works, more attractive to potential employees.
Use a range of resources to find candidates
A candidate must also be interested in a business. Recruiters are now picking from a smaller pool of candidates and competing against one another for potential employees. But, with a wide range of recruitment resources currently available, approaching and engaging with potential talent can happen in many ways. Some of Roq’s preferred sourcing routes include:
- Careers pages
- Networking sites
- Social media
- Marketing campaigns
- Careers fairs
- Headhunting
- Internal and external referrals
- Reconnecting with previous applicants
Offering a positive hiring experience
Once job applications are in, how do the steps that follow reflect on the ability of a company to gain an employee? We have found that providing a positive interview and hiring experience is key in enhancing the probability of role acceptance. A positive interview experience creates a positive look for the company and can start a significant relationship between the employer and potential employee and increase employee retention.
When it comes to staying in a job, happiness in a role also plays a major part, alongside pay and employment flexibility,. And a great application and interview experience also makes it more likely that a candidate will accept a position and turn down other company offers. LinkedIn confirms this with their research showing that 65% of candidates saying that a bad interview experience makes them question whether they even want the role they applied for.
Feedback is essential
I believe that whatever the outcome of the interview, it’s good practice to contact the candidate and give constructive feedback. Every Roq candidate will receive a call from me to talk through the feedback. I want to ensure they feel heard and respected so that even if unsuccessful, they have a great candidate experience with us. We aim to leave the door open for opportunities in the future.
There is now more to recruitment than securing people who fit the job description. Businesses now want to ensure longevity and happiness (of the candidate, clients, and the rest of the team). Over a quarter of employees (28%) are willing to quit a new job in the first 90 days if they’re unhappy, proving that candidates (and employees across the board) are now looking for their employer of choice and not 'just a job'.
Ultimately, technology companies that make their recruitment process more focussed on the candidate are those that will do best at recruiting the right people during this challenging time.