See startups as a community, not competition to thrive
The world of business has changed, from the heyday of household corporations like Ford in the 90s, to the rapid rise of tech-applied products and services born over the last three decades.
Electric cars, AI, renewable energy and digitisation have now placed computers, e-commerce, communication, smartphones and streaming, at the heart of how businesses market and sell. With that, the inevitable decline of conventional corporations and the increase of an open market, where tech data is shared, software updates regular, and tech innovation encouraged, means startups today are the future of tomorrow.
As a market that has only gained traction in the last 30 years, the digital tech industry is still in its infancy. And with markets that are still young and growing there are a few certain traits crucial to propelling it forward, and ensuring it has a lifespan similar to the commercial titans such as the automobile and food industries. The traits are: entrepreneurship, adaptability, innovation, directional knowledge, creativity and resilience, which are also the traits for any startup to make it off the ground. The rapidly evolving, fast-paced market of today demands business owners to be highly adaptable, innovative and malleable to the times to survive the market and thrive within it.
The pool of startups in the UK, is forward-thinking and full of ideas designed to shape the tech industry 10, 20 and 30 years down the line. But the desire to be visible in an increasingly crowded industry, prevents startups from realising this pool isn’t just for competing against and standing out from, but a skill-rich community of support and collaboration, to take part in and learn from.
With the shift of the times comes the inevitable shift in markets, lifestyles and attitudes. Not only are ‘big tech’ companies and digital marketing strategies within it (the likes of Apple, Amazon, Microsoft and Spotify) replacing non-digital services, but progressive cultural values about flexible working are starting to de-bunk the traditional nine to five ideals. The new model reinvents both ends of the business spectrum: the market itself and its values. Co-working spaces are an example of professional hubs where support, cross-promotional partnerships and networking can be instigated. Alongside flexible and autonomous working, they offer offices available for rent and guidance to find startup support services.
The business landscape of tomorrow will likely be shaped by digitisation, flexible working culture and disruptive startup communities, where rarely before has a concentrated amount of entrepreneurship, innovation and tech expertise, been so integral to steering the emerging digital market of the future. Join the community, don’t isolate yourself from it, and you’ll find you’ll reap support, potential collaboration and partnerships that strengthen the credibility and robustness of your startup.