LawtechUK launches innovative programmes
The government-backed initiative LawtechUK, from Tech Nation and the Ministry of Justice, which has supported the growth of over 100 lawtech companies, is accepting lawtech entrepreneurs onto their two new programmes aimed at accelerating their development and maximising their impact.
Following previous successful Lawtech Sandbox programmes, LawtechUK has returned this year with two focused programmes for lawtech pioneers: Expert Mentoring and Regulatory Pathfinding.
Expert Mentoring, in collaboration with Barclays Eagle Labs, is a targeted mentoring programme designed to fast-track transformative products and services looking to address the legal needs of businesses and society. Lawtech pioneers will receive dedicated 1-to-1 support from a carefully matched expert mentor from LawtechUK’s rich network of law firms, businesses, investors and public bodies.
The sister programme, Regulatory Pathfinding delivered by LawtechUK’s Regulatory Response Unit, is open to any organisation that needs regulatory guidance for its lawtech initiatives. The programme focuses on helping lawtech pioneers navigate the regulatory environment by identifying which regulator they need to speak with, addressing challenges that cross UK jurisdictions or regulatory regimes, understanding the challenges, and getting their questions answered fast.
The Lawtech Sandbox Programmes are derived from LawtechUK's successful Lawtech Sandbox, turning two of the highest impact elements of the Sandbox into individual programmes. These have been developed to help ‘more lawtechs than ever’ to overcome the challenges or regulatory blockers halting their development, and accelerate legal innovation in the UK. Lawtech pioneers can choose from one or both of the free programmes, depending on areas of the business that they need guidance on and what is most valuable for their growth. The programmes are open to all UK innovators, entrepreneurs and pioneers.
One Lawtech Sandbox Alumni, Aaron Powers founder of Hunit - a software platform that helps legal practitioners create and author smart legal contracts, commented: “The Sandbox gave us the ability to interact with the people who are driving change, and their insights and advice have influenced our decisions in the lead-up to our launch. I do think that you can use the word ‘transformative’ when you talk about Hunit’s experience of Hunit of the LawtechUK Sandbox. It was really tremendous.”
The LawtechUK Sandbox and related services have supported over 100 UK lawtechs and are quoted to have accelerated participants' development timelines by as much as 18 months, with some increasing headcount 6-fold.
LawtechUK Sandbox Lead, Jack Cane, Commented: “The UK is a rich hub for activity in lawtech, and this year we want to support far more lawtech pioneers than previously possible. In doing so, we can reimagine what is achievable and improve the speed, cost, and efficiency of the legal experience for all.
"Two of the highest impact elements of the Sandbox for lawtech pioneers are having industry experts by your side, backing you and helping shape your offering, and having navigation support through the regulatory landscape. Now, we are making it easier than ever to access these unique experiences.”