Heather Delaney: working with startups around the world
Heather Delaney, Founder, and Managing Director of award-winning communications consultancy Gallium Ventures is an expert in growing brands and launching products or services, creatively. Heather specialises in building and fixing global organisations and startups alike — from their communications strategy to product development and everything in between.
Delaney speaks with Startups Magazine about her background, her journey to starting Gallium Ventures, and what some of her biggest challenges have been.
Tell me a little about yourself and your background.
I was born in Silicon Valley, surrounded by the tech and startup world. I built a career in the tech landscape in California and London and, over the years, I have worked in different countries across the globe. This placed me perfectly to work with startups across the world. And worked with companies and founders to help them exit.
Did growing up in Silicon Valley particularly inspire you in any way?
Growing up in Silicon Valley, it was almost compulsory I would work in tech, but lucky for me I am a geek – I love quirky, useful, and clever tech. I am still excited about technology that I come across which betters the health industry, gaming, and more, as it always sparks a creative idea for a PR campaign.
Had you always known you wanted to start a business?
To be candid, no. Not every business owner aspires to own a business. Some fall into it or create a business to solve a problem. For some it’s about control, but not for me. I wanted to create a better environment for others, having seen and experienced issues first hand within the industry, and the best way to make that happen was to create my own business. So here we are!
What led you to starting Gallium Ventures?
Gallium Ventures was launched after I experienced severe burnout from my previous company. Experiencing firsthand how poorly the PR and marketing industry treats its employees, I felt I had to do something more. Now almost five years since its inception, Gallium Ventures has become a safe space for incredible people who have experienced the same thing, and are looking for a place with a heart, or those who have a non-traditional background, and the industry would benefit from their great minds.
What was it like running a communications business in the middle of a global pandemic?
With our global client base, a flexible way of working was a must, which fortunately meant business continuity wasn’t an issue for us. We simply picked up our laptops, headed home and were ready to go. Our agility was a big benefit, we were able to flex for clients and helped them with their issues. A great example is product development. We worked with Chipolo developing a new product, bringing to life a creative idea that prioritised sustainability. Communication was more important than ever during the pandemic, so while it was tough, we were working harder than ever and very thankful to have been able to support our clients exactly as they needed.
What have some of the biggest challenges been for the company and personally?
The personal challenge and company challenge are intrinsically linked, because work is such a big part of life. As a solo founder, running a business can get a little lonely. Founders are always focused on others – employees, clients, and everyone inbetween. But prioritising and protecting the team alongside helping people build a career that suits them is incredibly important to me. People are unique, everyone has different needs and as the person responsible for them, it’s my responsibility. It is hugely rewarding, but absolutely the biggest challenge I face.
What has your favourite part of the journey been so far?
My absolute favourite part of the journey has been making connections with people and helping them grow as individuals. It reaffirms that Gallium is very much needed in the agency world. It brings me a lot of comfort that Gallium helps people avoid the negative agency experiences I had through my career. Gallium has gone from strength to strength, so getting validation for the business, with award wins like best new agency, winning big clients and doing great work has been a wonderful aspect of the journey too, of course.
Would you go back and do it all again if you could?
I would do it all again, but hindsight is 20/20, so there are things I would change or approach differently. I firmly believe that negative experiences are learning opportunities, and that is how we learn and grow, and I believe it’s from these learnings that Gallium Ventures will grow and thrive.
What is next both for yourself and for Gallium Ventures?
Our focus for the future is growth. Our goal is to thrive in what we do, deliver the best work for our clients, and innovate so that we are at the cutting edge of creative communications.