The Health and Well-Being of Entrepreneurs: How to Manage the Stress and Strain of Startups

Starting a business can be an exhilarating experience but it also comes with a large share of stress and pressure. This is true for the entrepreneur at the top of the management structure and the shop floor worker. The health and well-being of you and your employees can be an asset to your startup, or a liability. It depends on how you manage yourself and your business. 

Take Care of the Little Things

You must have heard the old saying: take care of the little things and the big things will look after themselves. This is true in life and business. There is lots to look after, monitor, and shepherd as an entrepreneur and small business owner. Operating a business is a big responsibility, and comes with its share of stresses and strains.

Having plans and processes in place to help you to manage regular challenges removes a lot of the stress. It also gives you more time and mental space to concentrate on important things, like generating sales. Any small business owner or startup can save time, money, and stress by putting plans in place to take care of common problems and expenses.

Covering the costs and logistics of business travel is easy to do, and can help boost your balance sheet. Travel expenses can be more than just the cost of a train ticket or fuel, they can also include accommodation costs and meals. If you or an employee has to travel to meet clients or suppliers, having a system in place to cover costs while saving time and money will speed up the planning process and make work travel easier.

Consider Environmental Factors

Where you work can have an impact on both your physical and mental health. The places we work can influence us in many subtle ways that we do not realise. Working from home, for example, can have a lot of productivity benefits but it can also be isolating. By acknowledging this and taking steps to stay in regular contact with remote employees you can give them the support and human contact they need to stay productive. 

The health and well-being of yourself and your employees should be a concern for any employer or manager. The health of your business depends on it. If you operate a business premises make sure your workers have a space to relax and spend some time away from the stress and strain of operations. It is called a break room for a reason: sometimes people need a break from the shop floor.

Any break area should be focused on the staff and supporting their needs. This may be as simple as having somewhere to make a drink or eat some food, but should also have comfortable seating and a relaxation space so they can get some peace and quiet. Having an area for staff also gives them a place to socialise and converse with one another away from customers or management, which can be beneficial to team building.

Look After Yourself

The biggest mental health challenge startups and small business operators face is self-monitoring. Looking after yourself and getting the support you need can be difficult for many reasons, and acknowledging that you need help can be the hardest hurdle to climb. Running any business is stressful, and can put you under an enormous amount of pressure.

It is only natural to feel stressed and to need some relief from the strain of carrying a small business and turning it into a bigger one. Monitoring your stress levels and acknowledging the pressures of building a business are important steps to take that many eager entrepreneurs overlook. If you fail to manage your mental well-being it will negatively affect your business and your relationships with clients, suppliers, and staff.

Schedule some ‘me time’ into your working week. If you do not make the space for some relaxation and recuperation you will burn out before you have the chance to build your business. Your physical and mental well-being has an impact on your startup and its ability to grow. When you invest in yourself you are also investing in the future of your company. Make sure you make time for yourself.

Support the Team

You are an important asset to your startup, but so are the people who work for you. Whether they are employed casually or full-time, you still have a duty of care to your employees and need to support them when they need it. This makes your business a better place to work for your staff and a better place to spend money for your clients.

Happy workers are productive workers and have better relationships with clients and customers. The experience your customers have when interacting with your employees has a huge effect on your sales numbers and profits. Just as an unhappy worker can negatively impact sales, a happy and productive one can increase your numbers.

Spend time talking to your employees and see if they need any extra support. Invest in them and you are investing in your business. Remember that everyone’s perspective is different, and how one person interprets their challenges and struggles may be a lot different to how you see them. It is important to listen and analyse before offering solutions. 

Find Resources to Help

Whether you or your employees need extra support, there is help out there. The NHS has several free resources online that can give you or an employee extra support. The most important thing you can do, for both you and the people that work for you, is to remove the stigma associated with talking about mental health and well-being.

It takes strength, not weakness, to openly discuss stresses, strains, and concerns. Creating an environment in your startup that empowers employees to share their emotional and mental loads can be very beneficial. A problem shared is a problem halved.

With the right resources in place, and a collegial atmosphere that encourages discussion and support, your business can thrive. Not only will you create a positive and supportive working environment, but you will also create a successful business where workers are valued and customers are cared for. Invest in the mental well-being of yourself and your employees and you will see a positive return on your balance sh