Exploring the benefits on mindfulness for Children’s Mental Health week

An estimated one in six children and young people in the UK now have a diagnosable mental health condition, and many may continue to have these problems into adulthood.

As Children’s Mental Health Week approaches, it’s important to focus on supporting the well-being of young people.

One effective method is through mindfulness. Research has shown that mindfulness can reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, improve attention and emotional regulation, reduce chronic pain and improve sleep.

One start-up, Stix Mindfulness, is offering a unique approach to teaching mindfulness to children through screen-free technology. Comprising of two interactive remotes, one held in each hand, children are guided through mindful activities involving balance, focus and breathing. The handsets monitor their movements and provide feedback through audio instructions, lights and vibrations to keep them focused and engaged.

“All children can benefit from developing a mindfulness practice at a young age.” says Liam Murphy, Co-founder of Stix Mindfulness. “I started using a mindfulness app when I was 17 years old to support exam stress, and realised soon after that it would have benefited me throughout my entire school career had I started at a young age”

After completing mindfulness activities, children can sync back up to the app, where they are then rewarded with badges and stars, which can be used on the app to customise their own mindful monster.

Liam explains “We spoke with families and found that a key driver to continuing healthy habits at home is being rewarded - children value rewards - and so we decided that this would be central for our product offering to encourage children to develop a mindfulness practice”

Lily, aged 7, from London, said, Stix helps me when Ive had a stressful day of school or I need to calm down at the end of the day. I love using them before I go to sleep as it relaxes me. They are really amazing!

As we work to support the mental health of young people during Children’s Mental Health Week and beyond, let’s remember the positive impact that mindfulness can have on their overall well-being. By incorporating mindfulness practices into their daily lives, we can help children develop important life skills and improve their mental health.