Collaborative Mindset for Business Growth: The Only Way to Succeed

This is only going to work if you can do it by yourself. It’s the only way you’ll be considered a success.

In the beginning of my business journey, those were the thoughts in my head. I used to believe that success meant it was all me every day, and that if I couldn’t hack it, I was a failure. Solopreneur does have the word solo in it after all.

Now I wonder if it’s even possible for a purely solo business owner to grow their business to match their big vision. I’ve experienced the power of a collaborative mindset and community, and success happens when you do it with others. In fact, success beyond your wildest dreams is possible with the right attitude, mindset, and collaborative business strategy.

There are two ways I like to sharpen my collaborative mindset for business growth. One is the idea of your team—who you trust to bring on to help you grow. And the other is the community of people around you and your business who you rely on for networking, connections, clients, and partnerships. But whether we’re talking team or community there are three foundational aspects of your mindset practice that will lead to the success you’re dreaming about.

  1. Your vision must be big enough
  2. Your energy and intention are the fuel
  3. Your ongoing mindset (especially on the tough days) must be ninja-level


“Your vision must be big enough that other people want to help you build it.” When I heard that line from a colleague, I gut checked my own vision. Is everything I’m envisioning just selfish? Or do people really want to get behind this? Turns out that “Waking the world up to what’s possible” is a powerful vision my community stands behind.
What’s your vision? Do others automatically get on board when they hear it?


Great leadership comes from energy that’s empowering, enthusiastic, and mindful. When I wake up grumpy I check myself before I start the first meeting with my team. If my energy is off it effects every interaction I have, no matter if it’s with my dog, my team, or a business prospect. I practice some breathwork, yoga, meditation, a walk in the woods, whatever it takes. I want great energy to be what my business is created from, not mediocre energy. It starts with you. What’s your energy like today?


I call my practice of awareness my ‘ninja moves’ because on a tough day it truly takes a pause, check in, and shift of thoughts before I speak. Since everyone is going to have some tough days, this matters a lot. Being able to respond with awareness, versus reacting from being triggered might even mean the difference between landing a huge business deal, or not. 

Business owners who practice walking their walk of awareness lead from a place of grounded, centered calm and creativity, the key to a successful day and business. 

With awareness you have a choice. What are you choosing today?

Lastly, it’s time to take your vision, energy, and awareness into the world to create strong relationships that fuel your business. These relationships and collaborations are the golden ticket to a business dream that becomes a reality.