Lora Starling

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Lora Starling is a trailblazer and experienced designer with over 30 years of experience having run her own corporate graphic design business in London. Merging conventional design excellence with spiritual wisdom she now creates logos that enable her clients to envision and attract the future they want using the same tools as global brands.


Having worked for clients including Lloyds Banking Group, AMEC, The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales and the Boots Company, Lora has revisited and reshaped the principles of logo design since leaving her corporate role in London.


Now, Lora is passionate about working with brands, and entrepreneurs in the UK, Australia and USA to make a difference and deliver brand impact through successful visual logos. She believes that logos hold the imprint of the business spirit and conveniently and effectively build the world of imagination and our solid world of manifestation. These are imperatives for a successful business and also for everyday life which Lora achieves through helping her clients draw on everyday intuition within their lives.


Lora is also the author of three books (The Logo Decoded, Identify Yourself and Future You), with a fourth in the publishing process.


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