Dom Longford

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Dom Longford is a multifaceted individual known for his work as a freelance data analyst and his significant contributions to ADHD care. Here are key aspects of his background and career:

Dom Longford works as a freelance business and product analyst, helping with strategy, product development, and financial analysis for various companies.

He is the founder of Cog, a modern ADHD care system designed to support adults with ADHD. The app was born out of his personal experience with ADHD and aims to make ADHD care more accessible.

Dom was diagnosed with hyperactive-type ADHD at the age of 31 after experiencing severe anxiety and burnout. He received medication and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) in the Netherlands, which significantly improved his quality of life.

His personal struggles with ADHD and the realisation of long waiting times for treatment in the UK inspired him to create Cog. The app helps users manage their ADHD symptoms through therapy and coping strategies.

Dom regularly shares his journey and insights about ADHD through blogs and social media, aiming to raise awareness and support others with similar conditions.

Dom Longford's work and advocacy have made significant contributions to the field of ADHD care, providing valuable resources and support for adults dealing with the condition.

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