Deirdre O’Neill
Deirdre is a dual-qualified lawyer in England and Ireland with a masters in Medical Law from King's College London. Her Masters focussed on the global regulation of bio-sciences with particular regard to embryo research and gene therapy. Deirdre specialises and has worked in corporate law and venture capital for a number of years. Previously, Deirdre had been working in the VC and mergers and acquisitions team at Cooley LLP, acting both for investors and companies, in deals ranging from £100,000 to £150 million.
Deirdre is the Registered Manager of all Care Quality Commission (CQC) responsibilities at Hertility. The legally regulated services and activities that the CQC granted Hertility Health to carry out are the treatment of disease, disorder or injury and diagnostic and screening procedures. This certification required the necessary qualification, competence, skills and experience to manage the regulated activities and there were rigorous examinations and interviews for this role to be approved to confirm her suitability. The CQC regulation process involved the drafting and submission of over 87 bespoke policies, commissioning certificates, maintenance contracts, audits and risk assessments.
Having extensive connections with corporates and law firms she is well equipped to expand on and fortify Hertility’s Workplace Benefits programme.