David B Horne

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David B Horne is Founder of Funding Focus, a social enterprise whose mission is to level the uneven playing field that female and underrepresented entrepreneurs of all genders face when raising capital. https://www.funding-focus.com.

He is also CEO of Funding Focus Investment Trust plc, which is in process of seeking a London Stock Exchange listing. It will be a fund to address underinvestment in female and underrepresented entrepreneurs and to rectify the strong bias in the venture capital industry towards all male founding teams.


David’s book, Funded Female Founders was published in June 2022 and is written in three parts:

  1. “Addressing the Uneven Playing Field” looks at the reality of the challenging situation for female founders, shares the stories of seven female founders in seven industries from four countries who have successfully raised funding, and delves into cognitive bias.
  2. “Raising Funding for Your Business” takes entrepreneurs step by step through the different types of funding available and gives a clear guide on how to ensure they raise funding successfully.
  3. “Making Fundraising Fair” looks at the economic, social and political changes that are needed to ensure everyone has fair access to funding to grow their businesses.

His TEDx talk “The Fight for Fairer Funding” has more than 1.5 million views.


David is also the author of Amazon #1 bestselling Add Then Multiply – How small businesses can think like big businesses and achieve exponential growth. It sets out David's proven FACE methodology - Fund, Acquire, Consolidate, Exit - which supports rapid growth. His book won the Business Self Development category at the Business Book Awards 2020. https://www.businessbookawards.co.uk

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