Womxn in Tech Q&A - Tarryn Gorre
Startups Magazine caught up with Tarryn Gorre, Co-Founder and CEO of Kafoodle.
What does being a womxn in tech mean to you?
To be honest I don’t see myself as a women in technology I see myself as a founder who works in technology. I am however aware of raising awareness around STEM and the opportunities for more females to enter what has previously been a very male dominated industry, but so have many other industries I have worked in in the past. I think all we want is a level playing field.
What challenges have you faced as a womxn in the technology sector?
I think as a founder my challenges have been scaling products and adoption as well as raising funds. The statistics are still not very favourable toward female founders however we are very lucky to have a great group of investors on board who believe in the product and our management team.
What your goals and visions are
We’ve always wanted to scale a sustainable business model. Our vision has always been to improve human health by providing easy to access food information that allow people to make informed choices. To do this we need to get as much traction as possible with businesses and ideally expand into various sectors and territories like we already do.
Could you tell me about your background?
I did a degree in marketing and media but have spent most of my life working within hospitality both back home in cape Town and abroad. I have always had a passion for food and grew up with a vegetarian father and a mother who is a phenomenal cook. I fell into hospitality whilst at university and just never fell out of love with teh industry working for a variety of celebrity chefs and different food and beverage brands over my career. Kafoodle came about when I had just exited my first food business and was well aware of the issues the new food legislation would pose.
Tell me about womxn in leadership
I often heard it said so it feels a bit cliche but you do really need to find your tribe, people who are on the same path as you or who have been there and done that and then you need to give back to the community.