Why your startup needs a pet policy

We all have a personal favourite when it comes to a pet, some are dog people while others love cats.

Many people purchased pets in the pandemic while working from home was mandatory, and time could be spent with their new furry friend. But what happens now that offices have reopened and hybrid working seems the popular choice for most businesses?

The good news is that pets can have a huge impact in the workplace, not just in your personal life. Pet friendly offices are on the rise, giving either employees the opportunity to bring their dog into the workplace or collectively adopting a pet for the office.

So, what exactly are the benefits of having a pet in the workplace and why should startups look to implement a pet policy from its inception?

Well firstly, a study by Quantum Workplace discovered that 30% of people felt frustrated, stressed, anxious or annoyed at work on a daily basis. These are high figures and show the magnitude of the problem. Stress leads to the secretion of fight and flight hormones like cortisol and adrenaline, which can heavily effect concentration and productivity. In the natural world this is a good thing to ready us to run away from danger or to accept the challenge and face it head on.

However, stress in the workplace serves very little purpose and continual daily stress will lead to chronic stress with high levels of circulating cortisol and adrenaline causing vasoconstriction and a resultant raising of the blood pressure. Over the long term, stressed individuals will be more prone to heart attacks and strokes; it will accelerate the ageing process and lead to increased likelihood of depression.

However, there is a large body of evidence that supports having pets at home and in an office can reduce these problems. It has been recognised that engaging with a dog through stroking and petting can reduce cortisol levels and increase oxytocin levels. Oxytocin is a hormone that is secreted by women during childbirth and encourages milk let-down during breast feeding. It also helps to create the close bond between mother and child during this process. Oxytocin is also secreted during petting to give a calming effect.

Not only does the presence of a well-adjusted pet calm us but the biophilia hypothesis states that both cognitive and emotional development is directly impacted by the relationship we have with animals and the natural environment. Perhaps, this is a very good reason to have dogs in schools, as well as the workplace, to accelerate children’s development.

As a startup, attracting that top level of talent to your team is crucial. Showing that you’ve introduced a pet policy or is something you’re at least seriously considering, shows that as a leader you are relaxed about pets coming into the office or workplace. This will help long term in establishing the right kind of relationships for your startup and team by employing those with similar values, in turn leading to greater overall business culture and success.

That being said, if you’re thinking of introducing a pet policy into your startup, a word of caution is also advised. A well-adjusted dog can have massive benefits in an office as stated above, but a badly behaved one can have the opposite effect. My current office where we are based does not allow pets despite our pleas, and our finance director is scared of dogs. Compromises need to be considered. Some people are also allergic to pets which is not good for stress levels either.

Cats could also be another consideration if a dog is proving too difficult to navigate. Cats can be much easier to maintain as they’re free to roam in and out as they please. This can be especially beneficial if you’re in a rural location where the cat can have outside space, so can also be a consideration for your startups pet policy.

The impact of a pet policy within the workplace are generally positive for most, however a survey can be taken to judge the overall opinion of introducing pets in the workplace. Make sure you’re also carrying out individual conversations too, especially if some of your employees suffer with allergies or those with pet related phobias. Some guidelines before bringing in a policy of allowing a pet seems the sweet spot.

Also consider if it is possible during these hybrid working times to have dogs in on days where employees who struggle with the presence of pets are working from home? Are there certain areas of the office which can be designated dog free for example?

Rigorous cleaning should also be practiced preventing a build-up of fur and dander in the office. The choice of dogs that are allowed into the business should be carefully considered.  If these factors are taken into account and not ignored, then both dog lovers and people who don’t like dogs can work together with benefits a pet policy brings to both sets of employees in the long run as your start up continues to develop and grow.

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The Webinar Vet

The Webinar Vet provides quality online CPD for vet professionals worldwide, no matter what the specialism.

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