Tech to the Rescue reaches 1,000,000
Tech to the Rescue reaches 1,000,000 people benefiting from platform that connects tech companies with non-profits, Over 250 tech companies and 300 non-profit organisations now are a part of a platform across 12 countries.
Tech to the Rescue, a foundation that matches technology companies with non-profit organisations, has secured three years of funding to enable the foundation to build out its community of technology companies committed to offering at least 1 pro-bono project per year.
Founded in March 2020, Tech to the Rescue was created as a coalition of 10 Central European technology companies. Since then, over 250 technology companies and more than 300 non-profit organisations have joined the platform to implement technology solutions to solve the world’s most pressing social and environmental problems. Projects delivered to-date have positively influenced more than 1,000,000 people in 12 countries.
The 3-year funding, announced today, enables Tech to the Rescue to pursue its plan to bring 2,000 technology companies together with non-profit organisations, positively impacting millions more people by 2025.
“We are delighted with the successful funding round, enabling us to continue driving positive systemic change in the IT industry for the next 3-years. We are facilitating the purpose driven need that employees are wanting by connecting IT companies with non-profit organisations,” said Jacek Siadkowski, co-founder and Managing Director of Tech to the Rescue. “Over the next 3-years we plan to establish purpose driven pro-bono as a standard sustainability and employee engagement practice along with connecting 2,000 technology companies together with non-profit organisations.”
Over the last two years projects have included connecting:
- The People and Medicine Foundation with Skyrise Tech to create an application supporting patients with chronic diseases re-arrange their lives, creating connections and support.
- The Rainbow Index of Churches in Europe (RICE) and Tooploox to create an interactive report on LGBT Christians in Europe, potentially impacting 15 million people.
- Wind Aid Institute with Vazco to attract volunteers to build wind turbines, helping electrify 20 new communities in rural Peru.
“We were developing a Tech for Good program at Netguru, but it required a lot of effort to do it well. Finding and selecting the best beneficiary (non-profit), and then getting a project delivered required specific knowledge and a vast reach”, said Karolina Długosz, Sustainability Lead at Netguru, certified B Corp digital consultancy. “As a result, a lot of people were involved, which hindered our results. Thanks to Tech to the Rescue our experts can focus on the core of the work, while Tech to the Rescue takes care of the research, merit assessment and matching, making project delivery an achievable and enjoyable process.”