Qflow Integrates with Building Transparency’s EC3 for real-time as-built carbon reporting

Qflow has unveiled a partnership with nonprofit Building Transparency’s Embodied Carbon in Construction Calculator (EC3), set to revolutionise the tracking and reporting of as-built carbon data in the construction industry.

This collaboration merges on-site material quantity data with Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs), enabling precise, real-time calculations of embodied carbon throughout the construction process.

Historically, the construction sector has leveraged tools like EC3 to estimate the embodied carbon of new building designs, identifying opportunities to reduce emissions and enhance sustainability. However, the industry is now pivoting towards accurately measuring the actual carbon impact of buildings from construction to completion, offering a more authentic reflection of their carbon footprint.

One of the major hurdles has been obtaining accurate data on the materials used on-site. Qflow addresses this challenge by allowing construction teams to capture material data effortlessly through photographing delivery receipts and tickets. This straightforward solution guarantees high accuracy in tracking as-built material quantities.

With Qflow’s integration into EC3, construction teams can now seamlessly transfer this data, enabling precise calculations of the as-built embodied carbon impact throughout a project's lifecycle. This integration not only improves data accuracy but also provides actionable insights, allowing teams to validate and compare against initial design estimates, significantly advancing the industry's sustainability efforts.

“This integration is a game-changer for the construction industry, bridging the critical gap between designed and as-built carbon data. We are thrilled to partner with Building Transparency to provide the industry with greater access to vital material and environmental data,” said Jade Cohen, CPO of Qflow.

With this integration, construction teams can now depend on Qflow and EC3 to verify as-built embodied carbon and benchmark it against design projections. This capability addresses the growing demand for detailed as-built carbon reporting, offering invaluable data on the environmental impact of any changes made during construction.

“Industry-wide collaboration is critical if we are to make meaningful progress toward decarbonizing the built environment sector,” said Stacy Smedley, Executive Director of Building Transparency. “Partnering with Qflow is a natural fit for us as we endeavour to support the development of tools that drive embodied carbon reduction. This integration and its ability to measure as-built carbon impacts will be hugely influential for teams as they look to set carbon reduction goals for their projects and measure their progress.”