Press Coverage in Digital Marketing and PR

When it comes to raising awareness of your brand or product, press coverage stands out as a powerful tool for companies aiming to enhance their visibility and credibility.

In this article, we’re delving into what press coverage means in the context of digital marketing and PR, the benefits it brings to brands, and what strategies you can use to secure media features.

Press coverage – what do we mean by that?

It’s pretty straightforward, to be honest! Press coverage refers to the attention and exposure a brand receives from various media outlets, including newspapers, magazines, television, radio, and online platforms. In the context of digital marketing, online publications are the main focus, but it also extends to mentions in blogs and social media platforms. This coverage can, for example, be a brief mention in an otherwise unrelated article, a full-on feature where your brand is the main subject of the story, or a review of your product (the importance of which in marketing and PR we’ve recently covered in-depth in another article).

In marketing, press coverage is synonymous with earned media. Unlike paid media, such as advertisements, or owned channels, like your company’s website and social media profiles, earned media is publicity gained through non-promotional means. This type of coverage is particularly valuable, because it is perceived as more credible and trustworthy by the audience in comparison to paid and owned media. It’s important to note, however, that not all press is always good press – and in this article, we’re purely focusing on the benefits or positive media mentions.

What does press coverage do for brands?

As mentioned above, positive coverage enhances your credibility and trustworthiness in the eyes of consumers. Editorial content that mentions your brand in a reputable media outlet lends an air of authority and legitimacy. It also boosts your visibility for obvious reasons; it puts your name out there in front of a larger, established audience, who might not have been aware of you before and who have already learned to trust the publication you’re featured in. Thus, they’re more likely to believe in the positive sentiment put forward by the article when it comes to you or your product.

Positive coverage will help drive sales. In the case of digital media, they can drive traffic to your website as well – as long as readers are intrigued by what they see and learning more is just one quick click away. This is why, when it comes to online press coverage, you’ll want to prioritise being featured on sites that provide good backlinks to make sure potential customers can easily move onto your own website. This type of coverage on high-authority sites also enhances your SEO and organic traffic, all of which will lead to an increase in sales. Being featured in well-known publications is always a great opportunity to associate yourself with their level of influence and prestige as well; featuring media logos and quotes from their articles on your website and social media channels will serve as proof to customers that your brand can be trusted.

How to get your brand featured in the press

The most obvious way to get press coverage? Hire professionals, of course! PR agencies like ours have established relationships with media outlets and can pitch your brand more effectively. But in the spirit of this informative article, here are the basic steps to getting your company some of that sweet, sweet media attention.

Make sure you have a pitch ready. You should be able to answer basic questions about your brand before you even start thinking about approaching the press. Media outlets look for newsworthy and engaging stories, and your pitch should highlight what makes your brand unique, what makes your products or services so innovative, or how you're addressing a current trend or issue. What can you offer to journalists? What’s your expertise?

Offer newsworthy content. Regularly producing high-quality content, such as research reports, white papers, and thought leadership articles can attract media attention. Journalists often look for authoritative sources to reference, so you should offer them expert commentary - position yourself or your brand’s leadership as industry experts with valuable opinions on relevant trends and news. This is the type of thing that can lead to your brand being quoted in articles.

Start compiling a press list. Make a note of what kind of publications you want to be featured in. What kind of media does your target audience follow? Which outlets release the types of stories you’d want to be included in? Which journalists write those stories for them? You can also take a look at your competition, and find out what kind of coverage they’re getting.

Build relationships with journalists. Once you’ve identified relevant journalists (and, if it works for your brand, influencers) who cover your industry, you’ll need to get in touch with them. Follow them on social media, engage with their content, and understand their interests. Building a relationship before pitching makes it more likely they'll be receptive to your story, and if you follow their social media profile, you might even stumble upon a post by them asking to speak to someone just like you for a story they’re working on.

When you’re pitching, you’ll need a strong press release. It should be concise, clear, and provide all the necessary information a journalist needs to write a story. Include quotes from key figures in your company, data, and multimedia elements to make it more appealing. You can also utilise press release distribution services; platforms like PR Newswire can distribute your press release to a broad network of journalists and media outlets, increasing the chances of getting picked up for a story.

Participate in industry events. Attending or sponsoring industry events, trade shows, awards, and conferences can put your brand in the spotlight. Media outlets often cover these events, providing an opportunity for exposure. Editors and journalists might also organise their own webinars that focus on how they look for stories to cover and experts to quote. Sign up!

Monitor, amplify, and follow up. Keep track of your press coverage - once you’re featured, make sure to amplify the article by sharing it on your own channels. Follow up with journalists who have covered your brand, as they’re more likely than most to do so again in the future. Thank them for the coverage and keep them informed about future newsworthy events or developments.

Securing press coverage is a powerful strategy for boosting your brand’s credibility, visibility, and sales. By recognising its benefits and understanding what pitching for good press coverage entails, you can leverage this tool to elevate your brand.