New accelerator launches for female entrepreneurs in Harrow

London Business Partnership (LBP) has announced the launch of its new Harrow Female Startup Accelerator Programme, a free six-week course designed to equip local women with the tools to start their own businesses.

The initiative, funded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and supported by the London Borough of Harrow, aims to empower participants by providing essential entrepreneurial skills and boosting their confidence.

In collaboration with Metro Bank, the programme offers tailored coaching, mentoring, and hands-on support. Participants will work on developing their entrepreneurial mindset, crafting detailed business plans, and creating compelling pitch decks to present to potential investors.

Throughout the programme, participants will attend four workshops on topics such as delivering a winning pitch. They will also receive one-on-one mentoring, take part in peer-to-peer sessions, and have the opportunity to network. Most sessions will be delivered online, with in-person options available on request

Although the first cohort is fully booked and kicks off this week, LBP is now accepting applications for the second round, which begins in October. Women interested in applying must do so by Friday 19th October.

The programme is led by two seasoned female entrepreneurs and mentors, Naima Omasta-Milsom, LBP’s co-founder and managing director, and Lisa Maynheer. Together, they bring over 60 years of combined experience to guide the participants in turning their business dreams into reality.

Naima Omasta-Milsom, said: “We are delighted to be working in partnership with London Borough of Harrow and the UK Shared Prosperity Fund to deliver this exciting accelerator for ambitious local women. With our September cohort already full, we need 15 more women, who either have a business idea or wish to explore self-employment options, to be part of the second cohort.

“As long as women are living in Harrow and are not yet trading, we encourage candidates to register on our website today. The programme is entirely free yet offers high quality business expertise. As a result we hope a diversity of women will sign up and have a great start to their entrepreneurial journey.”

Places are limited. Following registration, successful participants will receive full programme details, including dates and times.

In addition, London Business Partnership is delivering the Harrow Business Support (Growth) Programme on behalf of London Borough of Harrow, with funding from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. The scheme’s free online and in-person events for SMEs this autumn include:

  • Branding Your Business
  • Email Marketing Automation for Beginners
  • Visual Marketing Plan Canvas – Creating Actionable Marketing Plans
  • Using the Lean Canvas to Update/Create Your Business Model