Meet Hoopsy: The eco pregnancy test made of 99% paper
12.5 million home pregnancy tests are completed in the UK each year, causing a shocking amount of plastic waste to be sent to landfill. But Hoopsy is on a mission to change this, with its eco pregnancy tests made of 99% paper.
The tests have an hCG sensitivity of 25mIU/ml and are over 99% accurate from the day of your expected period. Clinical trials have taken place to prove the accuracy and laboratory tests to ensure the sensitivity levels of the tests. It’s also got full Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) approval.
The paper test can be cut in half - the part you wee on goes in the bin and the other half in paper recycling. What’s more, the cardboard packaging can be recycled in paper recycling and the pouch the test comes in can be recycled in soft plastics at the supermarket. Lara Solomon, founder of Hoopsy, said: “Life can be challenging - especially when you’re trying month after month to get pregnant.
But our planet shouldn’t have to suffer as a result of so many plastic tests being sent to landfill. With Hoopsy, my goal is to provide sustainable healthcare products that help women, their partners, and the planet. Knowing that every test we sell means one less plastic test thrown in the bin, is what makes me jump out of bed each morning.”
Charlotte Samuel, founder of the popular North West London family website ‘Pramstead’, has tried out the Hoopsy pregnancy tests. She said: “Finally a clever 'no-brainer' pregnancy test that doesn't destroy our planet! Every test you buy or use is one less nasty plastic test on a landfill. Shocking to think the plastic pregnancy tests my parents used were still around when I conceived my own babies. Whether you hope for a negative or positive outcome - this is the test for you.
She added: “The test is conveniently taken midstream just like any old at home pregnancy test but there's a nice feel to the fact it's basically all paper which makes it easy to write on as well.” Hoopsy pregnancy tests are available in packs of three tests for £14.99 five tests for £22.99 or if you want to be really sure, 10 tests for £39.99.