Looking for business growth? It’s time to look in the margins
Exclusive research shows why today’s marginal behaviours – such as polyamory, insect diets, home burials and microdosing – could point the way to tomorrow’s soaraway business growth.
Why this book matters:
- Answers one of the biggest challenges facing marketers today – how to continue driving growth in competitive markets and a difficult economic climate
- Identifies and explores a selection of marginal behaviours in society, including polyamory, insect protein, home burials, contrarian sleep schedules, freebirthing, microdosing and more, and shows how to seize their future commercial potential
- Provides a practical framework for new businesses and larger organisations to evaluate commercial opportunities outside mainstream markets
- From Marginal to Mainstream has already received critical acclaim from Rory Sutherland, Mark Ritson and many other top brand Marketing and Strategy Directors
A rigorous and compelling argument for why marketing needs to radicalise its thinking, and turn common practice upside down, if it is to find the growth it promises,” says Kate Waters, Director of Client Strategy and Planning, ITV.
Large corporations and new startups alike are all looking for growth. While extending out from the core of the current business offer might offer modest success in the short term, if you are going to tap into the “next big thing”, you need to look in the margins.
Remember how un-mainstream veganism was, even a decade ago? Today it’s a sector worth $23 billion.
Remember when tattoos were most associated with lower socio-economic groups? Today they’re aspirational for millions, and an industry worth $1.75 billion globally.
New Book, From Marginal to Mainstream shows why businesses, marketers and product development teams need to break through mainstream inhibition and turn their attention to behaviours and ways of life that are currently on the fringes of society. It explores marginal behaviours that might initially feel unpromising or even weird, and argues a compelling case why they shouldn’t be underestimated.
Author, Helen Edwards, is a London Business School adjunct professor with more than 25 years’ experience working with top brands. In From Marginal to Mainstream she combines the wit and verve of her award-winning columns with her practical knowledge to confront, evaluate and embrace the strangeness of behaviours, ideas and ways of life at the fringes.
Through exclusive new research, interviews and analysis, this eye-opening book explores the commercial potential of more than 40 behavioural choices. While some – home schooling, mindfulness, ice showers and working from home – might feel they’re already coming to the fore, others – polyamory, urophagia, plant-based psychedelics and insect-based diets – might sit less comfortably initially, but are given equal consideration. T
Through this fascinating evaluation, the book reveals:
- What is ‘consumer-driven disruption’ and why is it the new fuel for growth?
- What are the eight tell-tale signs that a marginal behaviour is set to break through into the mainstream?
- How can marketers and innovators get ahead of competitors through a structured approach to the fringes?
- Why will studying ways of life at the margins help improve your brand’s ESG standing?
- Which brands are already out there building growth from the margins? What does it take to join them?
From Marginal to Mainstream is an essential read for any organisation looking for growth in today’s difficult economic environment and, who want to ensure their brand is at the forefront when marginal becomes mainstream.
From Marginal to Mainstream: Why Tomorrow’s Brand Growth Will Come from the Fringes - and How to Get There First by Helen Edwards is published by Kogan Page, priced £19.99.