How tech companies can build a culture that attracts and supports female engineers

Gender diversity within teams is crucial for every company, but with recent data showing that tech startups, in particular, have a poor track record of attracting and retaining female talent, what more can be done to support and retain female engineers?

Whilst implementing inclusive policies and fostering a supportive work environment are key steps, continuous evaluation and adaptation of these strategies are also essential to attract and retain the top talent. Qureight’s Head of HR, Sue Gibson, explains why companies must actively listen to their female employees' feedback, actively champion their career progression, and address their unique challenges to create a truly equitable workplace.

Provide actual opportunities for flexible and remote working

One of the primary steps tech companies can take to support female engineers is to offer actual opportunities for flexible and remote working. This approach is not just about talking the talk but about putting parameters and solutions in place that allow employees to thrive. Flexible schedules and remote work options help balance work and personal life, allowing more women, who might have caregiving responsibilities, to participate fully in the workforce. Of course, this is an environment that supports any team member with parental responsibilities. However, by implementing these measures effectively, companies can create an inclusive environment where female engineers can excel without compromising on other commitments.

Family flex policies

Implementing comprehensive family flex policies, such as enhanced maternity, paternity and adoption leave, shared parental leave and fertility support, is another vital component. These policies should offer economical solutions for working mums and dads, designed by working mums and dads. This ensures that women do not have to choose between advancing their careers and starting a family. By providing adequate support during these critical times, companies can retain talented female engineers who might otherwise leave the workforce.

Supporting upward progression

To ensure female engineers can progress in their careers, it is essential to be open minded and to be able to offer appropriate and relevant training and learning opportunities. Continuous professional development, using creative ideas, helps to close the skill gap and prepares women for leadership roles. Companies need to consider how to tailor a development programme to cater to the specific needs of female engineers, ensuring they have the tools and knowledge to succeed and advance within the organisation.

Mentoring and reverse mentoring initiatives

Mentoring can play a significant role in career development. Implementing mentoring and reverse mentoring initiatives can facilitate knowledge sharing and support between different levels of the organisation. This provides female engineers with guidance, support, and valuable insights from more experienced colleagues, while reverse mentoring allows junior employees to mentor a range of senior staff, helping to understand the challenges faced by women in the workplace and fostering a more inclusive culture.

Access to external communities

Providing access to an external community of women in STEM can offer additional support and networking opportunities. Encouraging connections and support from broader professional networks, such as Women in STEM and STEM Women, helps female engineers feel less isolated and more connected to others in their field. Participation in these networks can help women build strong professional relationships, mentoring opportunities, and insights from a broader perspective. Signposting these to your team and ensure that they can access time off to attend events as part of their development process.

Role models for future generations

Inspiring and providing role models for the next generation of female engineering talent is crucial. Highlighting the achievements of women within the company can motivate and guide young talent. By showcasing diverse role models, companies can demonstrate their commitment to gender diversity and inspire future generations to follow in their footsteps. Additionally, companies should take a step to support careers sessions in local schools to introduce young girls to engineering and tech fields. Offering internships for university students, or apprenticeships, provides hands-on experience and helps bridge the gap between education and industry, further encouraging young women to pursue careers in engineering.

To truly attract, support and retain female engineers, companies must go beyond just talking the talk. They need to think creatively about how to develop all of their individuals – including females – and create opportunities for them to grow, develop and acquire the skills for promotion. Continuously review your policies and development strategy and ensure that all employees feel heard and valued. This approach will not only foster a more inclusive workplace but also unlock the full potential of their talent, driving innovation and success.