How to recruit and onboard your entry-level staff

Writing a compelling job ad to entice graduates can be challenging, especially if writing isn’t your strong suit. How can you create the best possible job ad to attract the best talent to your business? Based on many years of experience, I have put together the perfect formula to attract stellar talent.

1. Use a highly-relevant job title

The job title is the most important part of your job ad. You need to make sure it stands out the moment an applicant comes across it. It should also explicitly state what the job is, mention the level and type of role and use terms that candidates would search for. This means you’ll receive more applications for the role.

2. Provide a job summary

A job summary is very important for making sure any potential candidates know exactly what they are applying for.

Here are a few things you should include in a job summary:

  • Describe the basic purpose of the job and why the role is actually needed within the business.
  • List the various duties included in that role. Describe what those duties are, how they are performed and why they need to be done.
  • Even if a job title is similar to a role they have done before, this doesn’t mean the role will be exactly the same. Assume the candidate knows nothing about your job and explain it as clearly as possible.
  • Provide business information about who they would be reporting to, what other positions report to the same supervisor, and if anyone reports to them.

3. Grab their attention with key selling points

Chances are, the graduates who have applied for your role have applied for dozens of others. You want to make sure your key selling points for the job role are clear, concise and get people excited at the thought of working for your company.

Showcase the best things about the role such as:

  • Outline any company highlights
  • Are there opportunities for mentorship and professional development?
  • Do you offer any benefits that your target candidate would care about?
  • Do you have regular celebrations?
  • Are you remote-first or allow flexible working?
  • Are there opportunities for growth?

4. Set clear goals

Defining the role with clear goals will tell job applicants what they will need to accomplish to reach and deliver key results for your business. 

The idea is to focus on the results you want from the new hire, instead of education or experience. Add a list of the primary responsibilities and set tasks they will be doing, but don’t overwhelm your applicants with too much information. 

5. Sell your benefits

Add any employee benefits you offer in your job ad – things such as training programs, commission schemes, incentives and employee wellness programmes. Demonstrate that your company has a good work/life balance – it’s what grads want! This is really important to candidates who are attracted to a job because it offers flexible hours. Understanding what motivates your candidates, whether its remote work or flexible hours, will give you an advantage over your competitors.

6. Encourage graduates from all backgrounds and experiences to apply

When it comes to hiring graduates, you need to be inclusive. Be conscious of framing your workplace as an accepting and inclusive place to be. Consider putting a statement on the end of your job ads that invites people of all backgrounds and identities to apply.