How personality profiling can lead a business to success
When a team works in harmony wonderful things happen; productivity increases, creativity is unleashed, and problem-solving is reignited. This comes from everybody being in flow, enjoying a more profound knowledge of one another, and playing to their strengths.
But how does a company achieve this, I hear you ask?
It's quite simple, by utilising personality profiling, team leaders and team members can have a much deeper understanding of skill set and which tasks are best suited to which individual. And this understanding goes far beyond looking at whether someone is good at project work or creative writing or finances, it actually digs deeper to look at what it is that makes each person tick. Are they an ideas person, motivated by creating new projects, or are they a details person who will find any pain points in any process in minutes? Are they a people person who is overwhelmingly brilliant at engaging and motivating others? These are the details that will really make your team, and your company fly.
When a company embarks on utilising personality tests, they are also showing how much value they put in their employees and how much they want to bring the best of each individual to the workplace. Personality profiling can show each team member how they can grow and achieve better fulfilment. Each team member can discover how their natural path links directly to how they lead or follow, how they perform best in a team, and how they can most effectively impact the organisation in which they work.
In the current climate of ‘quiet quitting’ and ‘the great resignation,’ it is vital that businesses are championing their leaders and team members and ensure they are operating in a way that not only maximises their productivity but also gives them huge job satisfaction and purpose. We need to be in flow with our genius, not working against it.
A deeper understanding of not only themselves but also others around them will help to alleviate friction in a team which can cause issues with performance and will invariably lead to losing key members to competitors. A better understanding of how each other tick can go a long way in creating cohesion and can enable greater staff retention.
The idea that we need to work on what we are not so great at starts in school but is then drummed into us through college, university, and the workplace, with 1-2-1 offering us insight into the areas we need to improve on, but not much time spent championing our strengths. This is the wrong way around. As Albert Einstein famously said, “if you judge a fish by the ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” We need to move away from this idea that we need to work harder to fix our weaknesses and position people in roles where they are in flow with their genius.
When offering personality profiling within a business, it gives the leaders an overarching view of where and how to efficiently place their staff. No CEO undertakes all roles simultaneously, they find people who have the skills they lack and surround themselves with a team that can overcome any challenge. Personality profiling takes this to the next level as it not only places the person with the best experience in the right place, but also looks at how they work with others, and unlocks a whole new way of accessing flow, productivity, creating attraction and speeding up results.
Personality profiling is far more useful than simply categorising staff members by job role. It works to actively gel teams together and create cohesion. When everybody understands each other better, and tasks are assigned to those who are best placed to complete them, people are happier and more tolerant, and conflict is avoided. Any business with people at the heart of it can benefit from personality profiling and gaining a deeper understanding of their professional talent. In business, knowledge is power, and an empowered team that works in flow is the best asset a business can have.