How to overcome imposter syndrome and take a leap into a tech leadership role

It's important to celebrate the amazing progress and achievements of women, but also draw our attention to the barriers facing women in both their personal and professional lives - such as imposter syndrome. However, it’s not just today that we acknowledge these struggles, and we must work every day to create a more inclusive and supportive environment for all women.

As a woman in the technology sector, the feeling of not belonging or being inadequate in a male-dominated industry is a common experience. Imposter syndrome, characterised by self-doubt and feelings of inadequacy despite evidence of success, is rampant in the tech industry, affecting nearly all leaders, designers, and programmers at some point in their careers. However, it is important to overcome these feelings to ensure happiness, resilience, and success in the field.

So how can you squash imposter syndrome and take a leap into a role in tech? Here’s what I’ve learnt along the way:

Raising your self-esteem, and practising self affirmation:

One strategy to combat imposter syndrome is to practise self-affirmation and own your accomplishments. Many people, especially women, struggle with establishing authority and respect when assuming leadership roles. It is easy to doubt oneself and feel like an imposter, but it is important to remember that these thoughts are usually internal and not imposed by others.

To gain self-assurance and self-belief, one can remind themselves of their hard work and accomplishments. Practising self-affirmation by saying things like "I am good enough" or "I earned this role through hard work and determination" can be helpful in overcoming self-doubt.

Surround yourself with people who support you:

Surrounding yourself with people who support you is another effective strategy for combating imposter syndrome. Friends and family can be a source of motivation, support, and encouragement when your confidence wavers. They can also offer honest advice and remind you of the reasons why you are worthy of your position and achievements.

Break free from the stereotypes - You are your own leader:

Another way to combat imposter syndrome is to rewire your expectations of what leadership looks like. Stereotypes often associate leadership with commanding a room, being full of confidence, and being assertive. However, it is important to remember that establishing a presence is different for everyone. Leadership can be about listening, supporting, guiding, and collaborating. Being true to oneself and managing, supporting, and guiding others in their roles can be just as effective in establishing a presence as being the loudest and boldest personality in the room.

Ask the question, and admit when you need help

Don't be afraid to ask for help when experiencing imposter syndrome. Recognising and admitting vulnerability can be difficult, but it is an essential step in overcoming self-doubt. There is no such thing as a silly question, and asking for help can even help others who may be struggling with similar issues. Asking colleagues for extra support on a project or seeking guidance from a mentor can be beneficial in overcoming imposter syndrome.

Keep learning

Finally, it is important to keep learning and understand that no one is a finished product. In the tech industry, it can be easy to feel intimidated by the constant advances and new concepts to keep up with. However, it is important to remember that none of us have all the answers and that continuous learning is a vital component of success. Embracing the mentality of being a lifelong learner can help in overcoming imposter syndrome and feeling more confident in your abilities.

As a woman in the martech sector, I have personally experienced imposter syndrome throughout my career. From my time as an intern at Apple to my current role as Director of ASO and UA at ConsultMyApp, I have often doubted my accomplishments and qualifications. However, I have found that practising self-affirmation, surrounding myself with supportive people, and rewiring my expectations of leadership have all been effective strategies in combating imposter syndrome.

Furthermore, I have come to realise that imposter syndrome is not a unique experience to me or to women in tech. It is a common experience that many people in so many industries face. By recognising that it is a normal feeling and implementing strategies to overcome it, we can all feel more confident in our abilities and succeed in our careers.