How the Device as a Service Model Optimises Logistics Business Operations

Managing a business requires you to make tough decisions to determine priorities. This is especially true if you’re a startup trying to grow with limited resources. For instance, which programmes should you sustain? Which business operations should you scale down, and what activities should you stop altogether?

Logistics and warehousing businesses face the same dilemma. Online shopping enables people to purchase items with just a few clicks. Many customers expect deliveries to work just as quickly and efficiently as the ordering process. However, warehouse operations worldwide struggle to keep track of the products that are coming in and being shipped out.

A simple way to keep up with demand is to increase warehouse capacity. That is, hire more workers and invest in equipment such as computers, inventory scanners, and tablets. This strategy may work for a limited time. But when demand slows down, your company is stuck with too many workers and lots of expensive equipment that isn’t being used.

Never mind the return on investment (ROI) – how will the slowdown in business operations affect your ability to pay for your new technology? A device-as-a-service (DaaS) approach can be a cost-effective alternative.

Scaling Solutions for Business Operations

Warehouse business operations that experience productivity highs and lows should avoid responding too quickly to spikes in demand. Allocating limited resources to fund capital outlays of equipment can backfire horribly if demand gradually slows down.

A DaaS option enables you to lease the hardware and software needs of your business operations. Rather than shelling out large amounts of money to fund outright purchases, companies can pay a much lower monthly subscription fee for an equipment lease.

Note that because the hardware and software are under a subscription agreement, payments will fall under monthly operating expenses (OpEx) instead of capital expenditures (CapEx).

DaaS is a great way for cost-conscious warehouse operators to match the needed equipment when demand scales or contracts. As work requirements increase, DaaS can supply additional hardware according to preset terms. Conversely, a slowdown in business operations allows companies to return idle equipment, paying only for the devices they use.

How To Utilise DaaS Products to Ensure Operational Continuity

Technology evolves at a rapid pace, and many companies struggle to keep up. New tech investments can take time to vet, purchase, and install. Then, managers must train their employees to use the new equipment. All this takes time away from your business operations. Maintaining operational continuity is especially important during peak seasons or sales promotions.

Under a DaaS agreement, the managed services provider (MSP) can tell you exactly what hardware and software you need. They keep the latest models in stock and will ensure your team knows how to use them out of the box. When it’s time to upgrade your equipment, an MSP can do so almost immediately. This will keep your operations running even during device migration.

What’s more, DaaS also covers the management and maintenance of each device’s operating system and firmware. Warehouses won’t need to shut down or halt operations to perform software updates or apply fixes. The MSP can schedule updates during slower times like overnight or weekends and then administer them remotely.

This feature is especially helpful if you have a small IT team – or none at all. Hardware and software management falls under the lease agreement, which means your MSP will immediately evaluate and replace defective equipment.

Improving Secure Logistics Through MDM and Managed Services

Maintaining efficient business operations requires all leased devices to run the latest system software versions. In addition, all necessary applications should be installed and updated to their latest builds. Doing so prevents incompatibility issues from appearing at critical moments. This forward-thinking approach also keeps individual devices safe from previously identified security breaches.

But managing an entire fleet of devices can be a daunting task – even for MSPs. They’ll need reliable mobile device management (MDM) software to monitor, maintain, and secure their equipment and guarantee uninterrupted service to customers.

The key to an effective servicing program is the device management platform’s cloud capabilities. Cloud-based management that uses secure connectivity such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) is essential to fast, secure, and encrypted connections between the administrator and the devices. With cloud services, the MDM platform can perform low-level device management to ensure all software components run as intended. Your MSP can even update the entire fleet or just a few select devices.

Securing Hardware Through MDM

Securing warehouse fleet devices is an equally important part of the DaaS programme. A key part of this is to ensure each authorised user has the correct level of access.

For instance, the MSP’s administrator can monitor the movement of logged users and make sure their credentials match their permission levels. Warehouse end users can log into the system and operate the inventory management software. DaaS IT teams can run diagnostics on the equipment and perform repairs. Analysts and C-suite executives can see usage data and generate insights.

Administrators also need the ability to remotely connect to devices that show unusual activity or malicious behaviour. They should be able to log off unauthorised users, disable unproductive apps, or lock the device outright. If there are attempts to steal devices or data, admins can shut down the device or wipe all saved data to prevent exposure.

DaaS Keeps Your Warehouse Business Operations Running Uninterrupted

DaaS is a great option for warehousing companies in need of affordable hardware and software solutions. Rather than pulling funding from other urgent programs, a DaaS agreement enables companies to lease equipment and pay lower monthly subscription fees.

A DaaS approach is also ideal for companies that don’t have an IT team or strong tech expertise. By leaving hardware, software, and device management to the experts, they can focus on growing the company instead.

Even better, DaaS minimises or even eliminates interruptions in business operations by taking over the management, maintenance, and security of leased devices. There’s no need to slow or stop production to update devices or migrate to new hardware. Your DaaS MSP takes over and rolls out updates without interrupting your services. Devices come ready to work right out of the box.