Head On: Stress Release- A Psychologist in Your Pocket
In the world where digitalisation is becoming the new norm, the realm of mental health support isn't far behind. 'Head On' app, founded by Dr. Bammens, Counselling Psychologist, and Samuel Ade, marketing expert, is designed with the vision of democratizing access to mental health tools used by Psychologists. By offering a comprehensive array of tools and techniques for managing anxiety, stress, and panic, the Head On app stands as a virtual psychologist in your pocket.
Launched in January 2023, Head On's primary strength lies in its breadth of tools and techniques for Stress, Anxiety and Panic. Whether you're wanting to practice breathing, grounding, meditation, cognitive-behavioural exercises, adrenaline release exercises or want to quickly reset your system, the app provides tools and techniques for everyone that have been carefully curated by psychologists to help you cope effectively. This diversity ensures users can find strategies that resonate with their specific needs, fostering higher engagement and effectiveness.
The involvement of Dr. Bammens, a Counselling Psychologist (DPsych, MA, MSc, BA), lends a significant degree of credibility and reliability to the Head On. The app's resources are not simply borrowed from generic self-help manuals but have been thoughtfully developed and selected by a seasoned psychologist. This ensures that the techniques are not only theoretically sound but also clinically tested and approved.
The app's tagline "A Psychologist in Your Pocket" aptly encapsulates the convenience and accessibility it offers. This app ensures that professional tools and techniques are always available, breaking down traditional barriers such as geographical constraints, accessibility, and cost. Whenever you're feeling overwhelmed, a rich set of psychological tools is just a tap away.
Head On has a mission of making high-quality mental health resources available to everyone. By integrating a comprehensive set of tools into a user-friendly app, they have effectively democratized mental health care. Regardless of your financial or geographical limitations, the app ensures you can access the support you need, putting effective mental health support within everyone's reach.
Head On Co-founder Dr Bammens said: “In a fast-paced world where stress is relatable for many, having an app in your pocket that can help manage and alleviate those feelings can be a game-changer. It’s about providing mental health support at the touch of a button”
“I’ve seen first-hand how crippling anxiety and panic can be. Our goal is to provide immediate support during a person’s most vulnerable moments.”
Beyond serving as a resource for mental health support, Head On is also an ambassador for mental health awareness. By bringing mental health tools into the mainstream, the app helps break down the stigma often associated with mental health issues. It fosters a culture of acceptance, where seeking help is not only normal but also easily accessible.
In conclusion, Head On is an exceptional addition to the realm of mental health care. By offering a wide range of psychologist-approved techniques for anxiety, stress, and panic, it puts luxury mental health care within everyone's reach. With the Head On app, support isn't miles away or hidden behind hefty price tags; it's right there in your pocket, just a tap away.