Free Parkinson’s app launches new features and insights

A smartphone app, Parkinson’s ON, created by Kuhan Pushparatnam, a man living with Parkinson’s, and his partner, Helen, has emerged as the UK’s most popular app for managing the condition.

First released in late 2023, the app is designed to assist those with Parkinson’s by ensuring timely medication, tracking symptoms, and recording daily activities. Pushparatnam, who also co-hosts the podcast 2 Parkies in a Pod, initially funded the app alongside Helen. However, recent updates have been supported by Parkinson’s UK, incorporating news, research, and other resources into the app via an accessible audio format.

New features include tools to manage medication schedules alongside mealtimes, track OFF periods, and offer wellness resources and a diary function to further aid users.

Parkinson’s ON has collected valuable insights from over 2,500 users, offering a clearer picture of common non-motor symptoms such as sleep disturbances, fatigue, low mood, and less-discussed challenges like sexual dysfunction.

Kuhan, who was diagnosed with Parkinson’s at 38 in 2013, utilised both his mobile industry background and his personal journey with the illness to develop a tool that meets the specific needs of this community.

He explains: “It’s sometimes the simplest of things that can help people feel more in control of their lives. I’ve always believed tech, when done right, can be a great enabler in daily life. So I set out to build a simple, ‘Parky-friendly’ app that would not only empower those of us living with the condition, but ultimately allow for a better, more informed quality of care.

“I also wanted people to better understand their Parkinson’s. I wanted both the big picture and the individual portrait. The anonymised data gleaned from Parkinson’s ON app is starting to paint that big picture. Even though no two people have the same set of symptoms, the analysis reveals how the condition varies by age and gender.  I really hope these insights can help not only our community and their healthcare teams, but also researchers grappling with their understanding of this degenerative condition.”

Kuhan’s partner Helen knows first-hand the impact of Parkinson’s. She was keen to ensure the app worked for both of their daily lives. She says: “Witnessing someone you love slowly lose their independence to Parkinson’s is just heartbreaking. I would leave for work in the morning, worrying if Kuhan was going to remember to take his medication on time. Each day is different, but I knew a good day for him was a good day for me… and ultimately a good day for us. Using the app, I can now see how his day is going. I can remind him to take his medication, see what symptoms are bothering him and we both benefit from the mental health content.”

Caroline Rassell, Chief Executive of Parkinson’s UK, says: “It’s often the case that the best innovations and solutions come from within the community itself. Kuhan’s development of Parkinson’s ON is the perfect example of this. Empowering people with Parkinson’s with self-care apps and devices is exciting and offers new routes for community engagement, research opportunities and ultimately a better quality of life for people with Parkinson’s.”

Parkinson’s ON is available to download via the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store.