Female Investors: The Billion-Dollar Blind Spot in Tech

When I founded Game Insight in 2009, I often felt like a newcomer in a room full of seasoned professionals. Despite growing up in a post-Soviet environment where women worked alongside men and gender inequality wasn't as pronounced, I still felt I had to work twice as hard as my male counterparts to achieve the same level of success.

Fast forward to today, when the tech and venture capital industries have made significant strides in creating opportunities for women.

Still, while the landscape has certainly evolved, there's still work to be done and the journey towards true equality is ongoing. 

Recent PitchBook research, as reported by PWC, shows that in Europe, women make up just 15.2% of decision-makers in investment firms with Assets Under Management (AUM) of €50 million or more. The situation is only marginally better in the US, where women hold only 17.4% of decision-making roles at the same firms.

These figures underscore the significant gap in representation and the vast untapped potential of female talent in high-level investment positions.

As a serial entrepreneur and investor with over two decades in the gaming industry alone, I've witnessed both the progress we've made and the potential that remains untapped.

As I reflect on my journey, I see an enormous potential that the tech and VC industries are yet to fully leverage: female investors.

The Numbers Don't Lie

While the tech industry has made strides in recognising the importance of diversity, the numbers tell a story of untapped potential. We have to start being honest about what these figures say and what they represent.

Data shows that involving women in investing decisions is correlated with improved returns, yet women remain underrepresented at venture capital firms globally. According to the European Women in VC survey 2024, studies indicate that teams co-led by women perform better, and a 2023 study revealed a correlation between the presence of women in senior VC management teams and higher returns. Women VC leaders are particularly focused on positive impact.

Despite these findings, female general partners represent only 9% of European VC assets under management. The report also highlights that female investors are more likely to invest in female-founded startups. 

Beyond the Bottom Line

Taking all the data points into account, it’s clear female investors bring a lot more than just their analytical skills or professional network to the table.

A 2019 study by Boston Consulting Group found that startups founded and co-founded by women performed better over time, generating 10% more in cumulative revenue over a five-year period. Still, female-founded companies received only 2.3% of VC funding in 2020, according to Harvard Business Review.

This disparity isn't just a matter of fairness – it's a missed investment opportunity. Women's perspectives in investment decisions can lead to identifying underserved markets and innovative solutions that might be overlooked in male-dominated investor circles.

Women's Growing Economic Clout

Unleashing the potential of female investors isn't just for achieving gender balance or better returns – it's good for the global economy.

A 2020 report by Oliver Wyman suggests that women's wealth is growing faster than overall wealth globally. And they already control over 30% of global wealth, according to BCG.

By 2030, American women alone will control $30+ trillion in assets, exceeding the US GDP.

Preparing for this major wealth transfer, harnessing this financial power and combining it with the insights women can bring to investment decisions could drive significant growth and innovation in the tech sector.

As global tech and VC firms continue to make progress and recognise the value of diversity in driving returns and serving customers, I know as an industry we will come to realise untapped potential when it comes to female investors.

By actively working to increase the representation of women in investment roles, we're not just creating a more equitable industry – we're unlocking a powerful resource for innovation, growth, and long-term success for everyone.