Expert Top Tips to Growing a Successful Health Focused Business – Stress Free!
We don’t get taught at Uni or in our CPD training about how to run a business. So, as an award-winning Registered Dietitian, ex NHS Consultant child nutritionist of 24 years and founder of The Children’s Nutritionist, I am on a mission to help other practitioners to grow their health focused businesses.
We're the experts in our clinical specialities, which is all you need to be when in employment but how to run your own business can leave health professionals feeling completely baffled.
I know – I felt this too, and have seen the overwhelm hit so many of my clients!
When we move from employed status to self-employed often what we do is just try to replicate how we worked before – so we are basically just employing ourselves to do a job – but obviously when self-employed there are so many more elements involved in actually running the business too – so when we max out on one-to-one clients as our delivery method, it’s no wonder we hit burnout as there are simply not enough hours in the day. There are plenty of alternative and innovative ways to help clients improve their health or recover from medical conditions aside from one-to-one consultations, yet the majority of health professionals who run their own businesses are not capitalising on this.
This is why I have launched my podcast ‘Beyond The Clinic’, which is set to help health professionals take their skills, knowledge and expertise and transform it into innovative income streams that extend well beyond the traditional clinic model.
My mission is to empower health professionals to take their expertise, knowledge and skills and turn them into a successful profitable online business, embracing the tech and tools we can easily access nowadays which means we can touch thousands of lives, far more than we can in a clinic, without having to work all the hours God sends.
I want my listeners to recapture those feelings of possibility and excitement that they likely last felt when they qualified and to have more energy for the work they’re passionate about, instead of feeling under pressure, overwhelmed and drained.
I absolutely made mistakes along the way, like creating a course that no-one actually wanted, writing books for celebrity chefs for a pittance and no acknowledgement. Business coaching my colleagues and friends for free…. I even spent 18 months giving marketing coaching to seven to eight figure business owners in the US for experience! I am open to sharing it all.
I’m really proud of this podcast. I often hear stories of my colleagues hating their jobs. Others who have started their own private practice businesses have done really well to grow it but realise they have simply created a ‘job for themselves’ with the additional burden of marketing, administrative tasks and bookkeeping. Many suffer burnout, have mental health issues such as work-related stress and anxiety. They just want the freedom to be able to help people, in what they trained to do, and helping is a shared core value. That’s what this podcast will inspire and empower them to do.
My Top 5 Tips for stress free business growth are:
- Decide what your business mission is. Make sure you clearly define how you can help people and what impact that will have on their lives. The stronger you are with this message the easier you will attract your ideal clients.
- Know who you help. Get really specific about what they do, what their struggles and desires are and how their everyday life looks, and listen to the words and phrases they use, so you can repeat these back to them. This will make magnetising the specific people you are here to help seamless.
- How will you share your message? This is all about visibility, and getting yourself in front of your potential clients and you need to plan it, not just wing it. Think about the different ways you can reach them, and create a plan to follow.
- How will you nurture browsers so that they can't wait to become buyers? Frustrations come when you have a full audience but no-one is actually investing in your services so get super clear on how you will move people through the process (or your funnel as it’s known in marketing spiel) to make the buying journey as easy as possible for them.
- Think very carefully from the outset about what your offer will help them achieve? Create something your client wants rather than what you think they need…. people don’t buy what they need, they buy what they want and often these are two different things.