Daye launches world’s first tampon-based at-home HPV screening kit

Award-winning gynaecological health startup Daye expanded its at-home tampon-based screening kit to include HPV testing.

The “Diagnostic Tampon” already utilised PCR testing technology to allow women and individuals assigned female at birth (AFAB) to screen their vaginal microbiome and test for STIs, such as chlamydia, gonorrhoea, trichomonas, mycoplasma, and ureaplasma, from the convenience of their own home.

Daye went one step further by introducing a screening kit for 14 high-risk HPV infections.

Most strains of HPV did not present with any symptoms, making proactive screening crucial. HPV infections were incredibly common; eight in 10 people became infected with HPV at least once in their lifetime. However, many still lacked knowledge about managing HPV and its potential complications.

Nearly all cervical cancer cases (99.8%) were caused by persistent high-risk HPV infections. The virus could also impact fertility and play a role in oral cancer. Cervical cancer was one of the deadliest female cancers, and following the COVID pandemic, the NHS had not met its cervical cancer screening target.

Thanks to scientific breakthroughs, such as the HPV vaccine and the pap smear, cervical cancer rates fell by over a quarter since the early 1990s. However, around 3,300 people still received a cervical cancer diagnosis every year in the UK.

NHS England set an ambitious target to eliminate cervical cancer by 2040, and Daye’s at-home HPV screen, part of the NHS Accelerator for Innovation, supported this goal.

Daye’s new HPV Diagnostic Tampon allowed people to collect a sample in the comfort of their own home and discreetly send it to a lab that returned results within five to 10 working days.

In addition to convenience, Daye’s Diagnostic Tampon increased testing accuracy, with only a 1% user error rate compared to 15% with traditional swabs, making it the simplest way to accurately screen for HPV at home.

Patient samples were analysed in a UKAS-accredited lab, following CQC-approved screening methodologies using a PCR-based, CE-marked diagnostic assay. The Daye Diagnostic Kit was registered with the MHRA.

Daye’s published, peer-reviewed research found that patients and clinicians alike preferred the use of a tampon over a swab.

Used just like a normal tampon, Daye’s unique HPV Diagnostic Tampon collected more vaginal fluid than a standard swab and covered a larger surface area, making it more accurate than a swab and more comfortable than a speculum.

The Diagnostic Tampon was made with 100% organic, ethically sourced materials and came with a sustainable applicator, enabling patients to reach their cervix without a speculum and feel confident in their ability to screen at home reliably.

As part of the service, Daye provided personalised aftercare, including prescription treatments and consultations with gynae health specialists. Daye also helped promote HPV vaccination programmes, making HPV vaccines available as part of their aftercare service. If a patient tested positive for a high-risk HPV strain, they were referred for a pap smear within Daye’s network of NHS specialists.

Valentina Milanova, Founder & CEO of Daye, comments: “Eliminating cervical cancer by 2040 requires a joined-up approach of vaccination, screening and testing, and we hope to encourage more women and AFAB individuals to proactively test for HPV.

“By utilising the familiar tampon, this hassle-free HPV testing kit is extremely easy and comfortable to use, and we hope this will lead to more patients taking control over their long-term health and fertility.”