Cost-of-living crisis: top five stress management techniques

Entrepreneurs are often under tremendous pressure to succeed, especially during the cost-of-living crisis.

The demands of running a business can cause significant stress, even under normal circumstances, which can negatively impact productivity, profit margins, and even the viability of a business. Therefore, it is crucial for entrepreneurs to develop effective stress management techniques to mitigate any negative effects caused by stress.

Below are Laura's top five stress management techniques to help entrepreneurs and their businesses during the working day in a cost of living crisis.

Practice mindful breathing

Stress can lead to shallow, rapid breathing, which can contribute to a sense of panic and anxiety. Practicing mindful breathing techniques, such as deep breathing or belly breathing, can help entrepreneurs regulate their breathing and reduce stress. By focusing on the breath, entrepreneurs can calm the mind and improve their ability to concentrate on work tasks. This can lead to increased productivity, higher profit margins, and a decreased likelihood of the business being placed on pause due to stress-related burnout. Try taking six deep inhales through the nose and exhales out through the mouth for as long as you can, slow steady breaths, to start.

Take regular breaks

Entrepreneurs often feel like they have to work non-stop to succeed. However, taking regular breaks throughout the day can actually increase productivity and prevent burnout. Short breaks, such as a ten-minute walk or a gentle yoga stretching session, can help entrepreneurs recharge their batteries and return to work with renewed energy and focus. Making them more productive and less likely to make costly mistakes due to stress-related fatigue.

Prioritise tasks

Feeling overwhelmed with work tasks can lead to significant stress for entrepreneurs. By prioritizing tasks based on their importance and urgency, entrepreneurs can manage their workload more efficiently, keeping stress levels to a minimum. This can lead to a decreased likelihood of the business suffering due to missed deadlines or unfinished projects. Try making lists, using coloured sticky notes or charts to help stay on track.

Practice gratitude

Gratitude is a powerful tool for reducing stress and improving mental wellness. Entrepreneurs can practice gratitude by taking a few minutes each day to reflect on the things they are grateful for, such as supportive colleagues, loyal customers, or successful projects. This can help entrepreneurs maintain a positive mindset, which will be reflected in all aspects of their business.

Seek social support

Entrepreneurship can be a lonely path at times, and social support is crucial for managing stress and low mood. Connecting with other entrepreneurs, colleagues, or friends can provide a great deal of emotional support and a sense of community. By sharing their experiences and challenges, entrepreneurs can gain valuable insights and support, which can help individuals feel less alone through tougher times in their business.

Incorporating these techniques into the working day can lead to greater success and sustainability for entrepreneurs and their businesses.