The best ways to bring home comforts to the office
Everyone wants a productive and professional workplace, but that doesn’t mean your office has to feel impersonal.
Introducing some home comforts into the office is a great way to make employees feel comfortable, which will boost morale and productivity.
Discover some great ideas for a cosy office design that yourself and your employees will love to work in.
Invest in great lighting
Providing healthy office lighting is one of the most significant changes you can make to any space – switching up your lighting can upgrade an office from feeling cold and clinical to warm and inviting. It’s always best to embrace natural lighting, but if your office doesn’t have many windows, consider investing in a few different lighting pieces to create a more welcoming atmosphere.
Encourage personal photos and decorations
An empty desk can feel a little unmotivating – life’s about more than just work! Employees should feel free to bring in personal items such as photographs or small decorations which they can use to personalise their space – whether that be pictures of family and friends, a desk plant, or small figurines.
Get some greenery
Scattering plants around the office is a great way to create a zen office space that will help you feel at one with nature. When you’re spending the majority of the day inside, it’s nice to have an element of the outdoors with you for a breath of fresh air. If you don’t want the upkeep of watering office plants, purchasing some artificial plants and greenery will still make the room feel more homely.
Stock up on tasty treats
Sometimes the wait for your lunch break can seem a bit too long, so it’s important to have plenty of snacks in the office. Some workplaces have a communal snack box or coffee corner where employees can help themselves to a warm cup of tea and a chocolate biscuit. Just make sure to check for any allergies before stocking up your office snacks.
If your office space gives employees personal storage at their desks, they can store their own supply of their favourite snacks. This can be a great motivator for when employees just need a little energy boost to get through the day.
Make the office smell good
It’s surprising how much smell can change your mood and productivity. We’re not talking about baking fresh bread and cookies everyday – try some air fresheners to introduce calming aromas to the office. Even if you have good office hygiene, the smell of cleaning products can be off-putting and make your employees feel like they’re at the doctors rather than the office.
Depending on your office rules and layout, a great way to make the space feel cosier and comforting is with scented candles. Not only will the candles add some extra mood lighting to your space, but you can also choose from a wide variety of scents to fit your employees’ preferences. If you decide to use candles in the office, make sure to keep them in a safe place and don’t forget to put them out at the end of the day.
Consider a relaxed dress code
No matter how comfortable your office is, sitting all day in a restrictive outfit can demotivate employees. If you don’t often have important clients walking through the office, consider relaxing your dress code so that employees can dress for comfort.
Not to mention, a more relaxed dress code can improve productivity and motivation, as well as allowing greater diversity for employees who express themselves through their appearance.
Have a space for fun and relaxation
When employees are on their break, they probably won’t want to sit at the same desk they’ve been working at all day. More offices are starting to include separate spaces for employees to wind down away from their desks. Comfortable sofas are a great place to start, and they add somewhere for employees to socialise and wind down together.
Including a relaxation room in your workplace is a great way to bring some home comforts to the office. Areas like libraries or games rooms provide a safe space to relax away from the hustle and bustle of the office.