And the winner for Best UK Startup goes to… Tractable
A startup who in my opinion is a very deserved winner, and one of the best UK Startups we have come across. If you have read the last issue you may be familiar with Tractable, a company that uses AI for accident and recovery, and although it focuses primarily on car accidents, there is potential for that to grow to cover natural disasters too.
When speaking to the winners, Alex Dalyac, Co-Founder and CEO said this was the first award for Tractable: “It is a pretty amazing feeling, you never think you are going to get this far when you first start out.
“We got started through Entrepreneur First – an incubator for startups, in which you join as an individual even if you don’t have a company yet, but you know you want to build one. Six years ago I got my initial application for them rejected so I was wondering what to do next, and I considered going back to uni and becoming a computer scientist. So if you had said to me at that point, that I would have the best UK startup of the year, I wouldn’t have believed you,” Dalyac expressed.
He said the journey had been fun along the way, but it is tough as well. He explained: “It needs to completely obsess you and consume you. You need to become completely addicted to it – your business and your idea. Look at founders and co-founders, even when people step back or go on holiday you are never fully switched off.”
Tractable now has a total of 140 on the team and Dalyac said without them they really wouldn’t be here today. “I am now working towards something that wasn’t here before, it really gives you a sense of purpose.”
With an ever growing team Tractable are currently hiring. Based in London Dalyac is keen to get more people on board and not only help the company but also the people out there looking for jobs.
When asked what had been his best moment so far, Dalyac said winning this award will be high up on the list, but it was mainly those moments when something totally unexpected but amazing happened. Dalyac said: “Moments like that happened a lot in the early days. The moments where you sign your first investment – it really makes you feel like a real company.”
So what is the recipe to winning Best UK Startup? Dalyac said: “You have got to have the best offering in what you are doing, in the world. That is why it is really hard when you are starting out, especially with technology – maybe you are going to be the first introducing this new tech. Timing is also another major factor, which sometimes is down to luck – you do need a bit of luck.”
However, the most important thing is being unique: “Create something that someone hasn’t got round to yet,” added Dalyac.
That is one of the amazing things with Tractable, no one has really cracked this technology and sector yet. Dalyac said: “There are lots of sub areas in this field that we have cracked, and I think we are even close to cracking the big main product too.”
Luckily COVID didn’t really affect Tractable that much. Dalyac explained: “Yes there are less cars on the road, and therefore less accidents, so there was a slight slowdown but not like other industries. We have grown so much, we are three times bigger than we were this time 12 months ago.”
“I want to thank everyone on the Tractable team, I feel extremely fortunate that there are so many people that care about the company and put so much effort in. Of course I have two other co-founders and I am lucky to be with them in this experience,” Dalyac shared.
Tractable has a lot planned for the future, but as previously mentioned, they are looking for new members of their team. Dalyac said: “This is our big message right now, we are hiring, and London is our hub, where our headquarters are, and I think people will be looking for a job right now so hopefully we can be connected.”
But more specifically the future aim is to help a lot more people, Dalyac explained: “We want to be able to have helped a million lives that have experienced an accident and get them back to normal quicker. We are in the hundreds of thousands at the moment.”